Skull and Bones got Russert
Veterans Today lunatic, Captain Eric May, the man with such mad skills that he detected a neutron bomb detonation in Baghdad from his living room in Texas has linked Skull and Bones to the death of NBC anchor Tim Russert. the teaser was on his latest post about his own Ghost troop team of fact manufacturers when one jumped ship when Captain May announced his support for Donald Trump. This badge was in that article;
So one of his readers asked about it;
kelli says:
April 18, 2011 at 6:02 amOn the homepage, there is reference to Tim Russert, who you were acquainted with? Were you suggesting that his death was suspicious? NBC replaced him with a puke, David Gregory. I can no longer stomach that show.
To which the phony and disgraced captain replied;
In 1995 – 1996 I was the editorial writer for the Houston NBC affiliate, KPRC-TV. Tim and I were both intellectuals, so when he came to town I was invited to be his dinner companion. He thought I was bright, and I respected him as a model to emulate.
If you watch the video in which he grills both candidates about Skull and Bones, you’ll notice Kerry saying that he wishes he could manifest something. It was a threat, though Tim probably didn’t know it.
Fast forward to the 2008 campaign, when both parties wanted to emphasize the bogus progress of the SURGE (in order to skirt the issue until after the election). Tim was a problem, since he was not going along with the BS. TPTB decided that it was a good time for payback, and for a warning to other independent media figures.
On Friday the 13th in May, 2008, there were two freak railway incidents that shut down the DC Metro, making the governmen
Get that? They both worked for NBC (like a thousand other stringers in small stations across the country), and Russert may have told May he was bright, so that makes them soul mates. And then Russert crossed John Kerry and Skull and Bones manipulated the Washington Metro system so that thousands of dregs would be late for work (a Metro traffic slow down has never in the history of the world made people late for work before that date :eyeroll:) so that emergency services wouldn’t be available for the poor unsuspecting Mr Russert who should have scheduled his malfunction for another day.
All because Mister Russert wouldn’t tell the truth that the “surge” was indeed working. let that be a warning to the rest of you independent journalists. Sadly, CPT May’s explanation was cut off by faulty blogging stuff before he had the opportunity to further embarrass himself.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos, Phony soldiers
Do we know for sure he even worked for NBC?
Did I mention that I was once colleagues with Gen. McChrystal? Yup, we were both in the military at the same time, and once he passed me in the chow hall.
Evil secret society pro-tip: It’s not enough to just kill the people who ask questions about you. You also have to leave little numerical clues all over the place. Thank god Skull & Bones knew exactly how long doctors would spend trying to resuscitate Tim Russert or it would have fucked up their whole plan!
And I sent George HW an invitation to our wedding. He couldn’t make it…scheduling conflict you know.
Now that he has uncovered the plot…we should look for him to disappear.
You know if all of this secret conspiracy stuff is really going on how is it that people figure it out so easily.
And yet, all of the co-conspirators still cover up the moon landing fakery. Did NASA do away with all of the people in on that, or are they just brain-dead automatons(democrats, as Bob Hope described them)?
According to USA Today, Russert died at 2:23, not 3:22.
Wait, 2:23? .223? It wasn’t Skull & Bones, it was Remington!
What with Capt. May, the Duffster, and the rest of the loonies featured here, I am thinking of coming out of retirement to manufacture some “tough as shit” 6 ply tinfoil hats. Bet the market for them is strong right now.
I am surprised that people stupid enough to believe in all these conspiracies can figure out how to feed themselves.