The President’s Vision

| April 14, 2011

Ok, once again Facebook is showing these that would not see in normal web viewing. I get this.

Stand by the President’s Vision

President Obama has called for a plan that ensures we can live within our means while still investing in our future. I stand by his vision to:

* Rein in the deficit while protecting seniors and the middle class, and making the investments we need to win the future;
* Ensure that the most vulnerable Americans are not the only ones sharing the burden of fiscal responsibility;
* Keep spending low while strengthening Medicare and Medicaid, and end trillions in tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires who don’t need them; and
* Set aside partisanship in favor of a renewed sense of shared responsibility and shared sacrifice.

Except that this sounds exactly like the ambiguous and feel good promises that he made in 2008. But I am think I am more disturbed at the replies.

Comment one;

He never lost his mojo. President Obama has always been pragmatic and a “down the middle” kind of guy, thus the rationale behind ‘this is not the red states or the blue states but the United States of America’. I think the right wingnut mai…nstream/tabloid news mediums are being paid to distort the good and fair things this administration has accomplished and ignored the wreckage caused by the party of no/teahadist GOP.

Except that was not the tone when He first came to office in 2008.

Or this one

Oh, no doubt. And anyone that knows anything about him (like through his books) knows he’s a pragmatist. Still, he had me worried with that last “deal” with the Republicans in Congress. I was worried his budget proposal was going to be more… of the same effort at bipartisanship and that’s just not working for him. I was fine with him extending the Bush tax cuts in order to win certain things he wanted and a lot of people just exploded about that. I WAS worried about this though, that he was going to compromise where he just shouldn’t. There has to be a bright line somewhere.

But wait, there is new and improved “Hope and Change” 2.0.

Was a great Speech NOW we need to call and tell him WE are behind him and Do not give a INCH — enough people do it and it will make a difference.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Doc Bailey

you gotta buy these people who know the Truth and that He will not let Them down (the capital letters are not a typo) these people think in capital letters, and the things they think about anyone not with the Party, is quite plain.

In another time the Tea Party (and Republicans) would be Counter-revolutionaries, or “Reactionary”. of course this same thought process gave us the “Committee on State Security” or as we all knew them the KGB.

Junior AG

Corrected copy:
President Obama has called for a plan that bails out the banksters and raises the debt ceiling. This debt will be passed on to successive generations, BTW.
President Obama has always been owned by Wall Street, just tally up how much $$$ he got from the speculators & banksters for his election bid.
OT, but food for thought, “progressives”, ‘specially youse in those lilly white gated communities who get all wrapped around the axle concerning racism, the Teleprompter in Chief is backing tribal factions in Libya that LYNCH African Blacks!


Same old same old. Not even a comma out of place from this recycled Michael Dukakis campaign speech.


The President’s vision is soooo much better than the Republican’ts! Represent yo!

Southern Class

Someone is presenting the character “Obama Girl 2012” as a Socialist. She wants to be sure that no one has to work. Well, at least not those who have no personal pride and would prefer to suck off the teat of those who do work and achieve.