Matthews worries that Ryan will kill his audience

| April 12, 2011

Newsbuster’s Noel Sheppard writes that Chris Matthews was worried last night that Paul Ryan’s budget cuts to medicare will kill off half of his audience;

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Monday spent much of show scaring viewers about Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) recently released budget proposal.

So apoplectic was the “Hardball” host that he told liberal guests Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe that Ryan’s Medicare reform pland “is going to kill half the people who watch this show”

It occurred at the end of this clip;

So, half of Matthews’ audience is, what, two people? And I think I’m being generous here.

And where was Matthews when the Obama Administration cut Medicare to pay for his healthcare bill?

Category: Media

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B Woodman

Does half his audience include him?