Brady Campaign’s newest skullduggery

| April 12, 2011

The special interest group named The Brady Campaign to Reduce Gun Violence has launched an advertisement to begin their latest assault on gun owners target large capacity magazines;

Yes, the magazines are solely bought to kill a lot of people without bothersome reloading. But if a law abiding citizen is buying the magazine, it will probably be used against people who wish they had large capacity magazines. Some people need to be killed.

The imagery of the little girl in pigtails silhouette is supposed to scare us into a kneejerk reaction to ban large capacity magazines, but how many incidences of mass killings involved large capacity magazines? Criminals already have these magazines, so why can’t law abiding members of our society?

From the Huffy Post;

In conjunction with the ad’s release, the group is deploying a powerful new congressional liaison. Kelly O’Brien, fiancee of Gabe Zimmerman, the Giffords’ staffer killed by Loughner, will be on the Hill Tuesday to endorse legislation sponsored by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) banning high-capacity magazines.

I’m waiting for the Brady Campaign to press the Obama Administration for enforcement of current laws rather than writing new laws. it seems to me that would be a more rewarding endeavor.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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I gotta wonder: would Loughner had been able to get a piece if the sensible gun laws we already have had been enforced?

Throwing more laws at a problem won’t fix it if they’re not enforced. And it wouldn’t make any difference to me, personally, if Gifford herself came out and endorsed this gun-grabbing nonsense.

The 2nd Amendment isn’t the 2nd Suggestion.


Fuck the Brady Bunch and every single sheeple who is a member, gives them money or moral support…

Once things get bad…I mean really bad…those morons will be begging…BEGGING…us to protect them because we have all the “evil” guns and evil “assault clips”. And, for the most part, the skill and mind set to use them effectively.

Not a chance…they’ll be left out there for food…

And for the record, just what kind of pussy refers to a magazine as a “clip”, particularly an “assault clip”?

I guess, hypothetically, if I loaded up one of my 30 rd P-Mags with 28 rds of M193 and physically smashed it into the face (as hard as a physically fit 205 lb man can do) of one of the Brady Bunch’s chief spokes-pussys, then it would, technically, be an instrument of assault…

Naaaaaw…that would make it an “instrument of karma is a bitch”.


Spigot’s post sort of reminds me of what celebrities like Charlton Heston and Tom Selleck talked about during the LA riots…their left wing shitheel pals who supported virtually every gun control law any assclown with a ‘D’ behind their name came up with were suddenly appalled that they couldn’t run down to the evil gun store and buy a weapon to protect themselves from the Great Unwashed. Karma is a bitch, indeed.


“Assault clips”



Are Lautenberg and McCarthy the only two oxygen thieves the Brady Campaign can trot out?


You know, as bad as the stupid “ominous voice”, ridiculous “assault clips” (Really? After fighting for decades to ban guns you still can’t get basic vocabulary through your heads?), and notion that extra ammo on tap suddenly makes people more violent are, the most absurd part of this “ad” is the explicit declaration that gun-owners practice massacring random innocents. Show of hands: Who practices with the little girl outline at the range? Old man with cane? Generic graduate guy?

Old Trooper

Kind of reminds me of the movie “Reefer Madness” with their use of the same discombobulated logic.


How can they focus on assault clips when thousands of weapons are sold every day with the shoulder thing that goes up?


Ban all the hi-cap clips? I guess you’ll upset the M1 owners. And I guess I’ll have to manually load my 30 rd AR mags, no using a ‘spoon’ and those stripper clips that hold more than 10rds…not that I’ve ever seen one.

I think that we should ban Priuses and Volts. Cars are used in assaults and people frequently kill people in accidents using them. The Prius goes farther without refueling–thus enabling you to kill more people. Same twisted up logic.

B Woodman

To quote my favorite blogger:

“I used to argue history, facts and common sense with such as you, but gave it up as a bad job”, he writes of once being asked his opinions on gun control by a citizen disarmament advocate. And when asked by the fellow for a “short answer” summing up his views, Vanderboegh simply answered, “If you try to take our firearms, we will kill you.” “It boils down to that”, he continues. “If you try to take our firearms (liberty, property, insert any other God-given, inalienable right) we will kill you.”

Yes, it’s now come to that.
And people wonder at the polarization of America.

Don Carl

No, Brady goons, “sensible gun laws” DO NOT save lives. Criminals don’t obey them. That’s why they are criminals…


“I’m waiting for the Brady Campaign to press the Obama Administration for enforcement of current laws rather than writing new laws.”

Let me know how that turns out for ya……….

USMC Steve

Hasn’t that withered up old libtard bitch died yet? I guess the saying about the good dying young and the useless assholes will live forever is true.