ORMA commandant is phony Vietnam vet

| April 7, 2011

The Oak Ridge Military Academy in North Carolina discovered they had a phony soldier, William Northrop, as a commandant after a student’s parent questioned his creds;

Northrop claimed in a 1992 book profiling veterans that he served as a Special Forces officer in Vietnam and Laos and also saw duty with the Israeli military. He provided intimate stories about life in the war zone and told the author of “Saigon to Jerusalem” that the experience still haunted him. Oak Ridge’s archives, which Northrop helped develop, likewise say he served with the Army in Vietnam.

Yeah, Northrop and the school are engaged in a cover-up;

He refused to discuss his past or explain the discrepancies in his record to an Associated Press reporter. The academy’s president would not discuss Northrop’s background either.

How hard is it verify your employees’ claims of former employment, especially as it relates to the job you hire them to fill? Especially when the previous employment is a matter of public record? And a dumbass like me can get records on pretenders. But, I’m hate these scumbags, but I hate their enablers even more.

Category: Phony soldiers

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It was the fire, maaannn, the Fire of ’75! Pay no attention to that 1st Cav patch under the Special Forces tab.


“Honor your commitment and be committed to honor.”

Words from their very own web page and yet they wish to protect the gutless spineless buffoon they hired to be their commandant.


Dave….not another Cav Patch! The link has disappeared…the one to the school is still up but can’t find a pic of the Commander.

Jeezus…will this ever end.

Former 1st Cav Special Forces Member

Honor and Courage


#3 – I have no idea if the man’s wearing a Cav patch. Just having fun since it’s de rigeur.


@ #4 – Guess I better start looking around for a “special forces” tab to go with that expert driver award I’ve not received too.


*ducking*, LMAO!


11:56 AM on April 10, 2011

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Tell me this isn’t the same William Northrop who was indicted in NY for arms smuggling back in 1989 ( IranContra)
Published: January 05, 1989

or that this article is not referencing the same William Northrop
The Citadel refused to verify whether Northrop graduated or not. According to an arrest record, Northrop had been taken into custody in El Paso in 1974 for illegal importation of firearms. In 1983, another warrant was issued for his arrest in El Centro, California, on charges of grand theft; Northrop was taken into custody in Phoenix, Arizona.

Simply search on Israeli arms dealer and there seems to be a systemic link to either a plethora of lies over the years or a kernal of truth..

Cheeses crust

I went to ORMA. We had a commandant who had been ‘promoted’ from Corporal to Colonel, couldn’t pass a pt test to save his life, and treated a legitimate Green Beret on campus like shit. We had two Airborne cadre, a cav, and various others, and an old marine first sergeant. We had some real soldiers, but none were leaders. Our principal or academic dean was a freaking USMA grad for fuck’s sake.