The face of false outrage

| April 7, 2011

Delegate Eleanor Holmes-Norton compares the government shut down to “bombing innocent civilians”;

Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton Upset Over Treatment of DC During Shutdown Resolution Talks:

Does anyone remember her outrage when Congress didn’t pass a budget last year? And, honestly, she was about as coherent as your average DC wino. She said something about Guantanamo (the closing of which the Democrat didn’t fund last year either) and something about the district’s murder of unborn children and DC’s residents funding the same.

DC should be embarrassed that this illiterate bonehead represents them in Congress. But, I guess she’s the result of some obscure jobs program. But, I’m pretty sure that if DC residents quit electing knuckleheads like Norton or Holmes or whatever, they’ll be a step closer to statehood rights.

I remember when they thought they’d get representation in the Senate back in 1993, they elected Jesse Jackson, who wasn’t even a resident of DC. With an absolutely ignorant electorate, who wants to give them voting representation in Congress?

Category: Shitbags

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We have a fellow here of similar mindset. No fact will sway him, because [said fact] wasn’t reported on a non-Fox news channel/outlet.

On the flip side, her only competition is Marion Barry.


Ah…..that explains it all, DaveO. I was going to ask if she might not have sucked on too many of those “Lemonhead” drops, lol.

Doc Bailey

oh it’s the REPUBLICAN’S problem. oh and abortions are SO important. wow this woman can not see beyond her own nose.


She’s an embarrassment, much like John Conyers should be an embarrassment to the few people still living in Detroit. Eleanor and John aren’t at fault though, they’re graduates of the Affirmative-Action program for politicians from failed constituencies.