RIP, MSG Robert Orr (Updated)

| April 11, 2011

According to a posting on Facebook, Robert “Bobby” Orr, one of my team leaders in C 1/41st passed away yesterday, I don’t have any details beyond that right now.

For once, I speechless.

ADDED 4-11-2011;

I’m bumping this to the top from last week as an update for posterity.

Bobby Orr pulled into his driveway after a workout at the gym early in morning on April 2, 2011. He had just made the Sergeant Major list and he was sitting on top of the world. He shut the engine of his car off, leaned his head back and died of a heart attack at the tender age of 44. He leaves behind his wife of more than twenty year and his two teenage sons as well as his parents and siblings.

His final assignment with the Army was as an active duty recruiter for the California National Guard in Pittsburg, CA. His funeral was attended by literally hundreds of people he had recruited – a testament to his honesty and candor as a recruiter.

For a nasty-ass leg, he was one hoo-ah soldier and the platoon leader’s gunner (Miot Crews, where are you?) in my platoon during Desert Storm. I know I’ll miss him, and a few hundred CANGians will miss him, too. They promoted Bobby posthumously to Sergeant Major and awarded him a Meritorious Service Medal and presented it to his wife, Iris. I am honored that I was allowed to be present at Sergeant Major Bobby Orr’s last promotion ceremony.

Category: Blue Skies

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Our deepest condolences on your loss.
A loss to us all, RIB MSG Orr.


I’m sorry, Jonn.

Godspeed and blue skies to him.

Old Tanker

I’m sorry to hear it Jonn. God bless his family and friends….

Zero Ponsdorf

John at Castle Argghhh!! says what I’d like to say so I’ll paraphrase just a tiny bit:

Just by living our lives, and taking an interest in what goes on around us, we pay a debt. We can pay it ahead by keeping an eye on those who commit us to war. And recognizing that avoidance for avoidance’s sake is as bad in its way as rushing headlong and blindly into battle. Truly, in this arena, the answer lies in the middle, not at the extremes.

Marooned in Marin

I’m sorry Jonn.


I am sorry Jonn. Will pray for his family.

Laughing Wolf

I am sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers out to his family and to you.

Frankly Opinionated

RIP Soldier.


My condolences on the loss of your friend, Jonn.
RIP MSG Robert Orr.


R.I.P. MSG Orr


Sigh. I am really sorry, Jonn. As long as you’re around, his memory won’t fade.


Sorry to hear about his loss.

AW1 Tim

Condolence, Jonn, and to his family as well.


Extending my deepest sympathy Jonn. RIP MSG Orr.

Sgt. Jendrzejek

I am so sorry he was my recruiting boos for a year and a half. Great guy.


Prayers out for your loss, Jonn, and for his family also.

Cedo Alteram

Sorry for your loss Jonn.

Old Tanker

Thanks for the update Jonn, glad the Army did him a solid….


Man. That’s way too young.

You have my condolences, Jonn. My prayers for his family and all who’ll miss him.


There is no rhyme or reason to people passing is there.

Peace to you and his family and friends.


Condolences to you, Jonn. And to his family and friends.

Matt Snyder

Damn, that’s a kick in the gut.
From the sounds of it—a DAMN good man, leader, and hero….taken far too young in his prime.

JimmyRock Allen

RIP Sergeant Major.


rip my friend


God bless SGM Orr, his family, and those who enjoyed life with him. Sorry to lose this man so early in life. Prayers sent.


Godspeed, Sergeant Major!

Thomas F. Le Min (former CPT, IN, USAR)

Thank you so much for posting this fitting memorial to a man who sounds as though he was a tremendously dedicated soldier, husband, father, and son. It is just this sort of man who so often slips through the cracks and goes unnoticed and unkeened upon their passing in this modern area where we are bombarded with too much information to meaningfully process all of it. By your efforts though, you’ve brought this soldier the recognition that he deserved to all those of us around the world who read the “This Ain’t Hell” and “Blackfive” blogs religiously. Again, thank you so much for writing to let us all know of this solier’s passing so we can learn of his wonderful legacy and to pray for his beloved family. Sergeant Major Orr, may you rest in eternal peace.


[…] us all, and sometimes in unexpected ways and places.  Go over to This ain’t Hell and read Jonn’s post about this remarkable man who left us far too […]


I just found out today that he died. I worked with him as a recruiter from 1997 to 2000.