Kozinski: Stolen Valor is as pedestrian as elevator shoes
Yeah, I don’t read legal decisions, especially the drivel which emanates from the 9th Circus, so I rely on others. David Lat from Above the Law blog quotes more from the imbecile known as Chief Judge Alex Kozinski. You might remember we quoted his long list of things we say that equate in his tiny, closed mind to “I was a Marine and was awarded the Medal of Honor”;
We lie to protect our privacy (“No, I don’t live around here”); to avoid hurt feelings (“Friday is my study night”); to make others feel better (“Gee you’ve gotten skinny”);to avoid recriminations (“I only lost $10 at poker”); to prevent grief (“The doc says you’re getting better”); to maintain domestic tranquility (“She’s just a friend”); to avoid social stigma (“I just haven’t met the right woman”); for career advancement (“I’m sooo lucky to have a smart boss like you”); to avoid being lonely (“I love opera”); to eliminate a rival (“He has a boyfriend”); to achieve an objective (“ButI love you so much”); to defeat an objective (“I’m allergic to latex”); to make an exit (“It’s not you, it’s me”); to delay the inevitable (“The check is in the mail”); to communicate displeasure (“There’s nothing wrong”); to get someone off your back (“I’ll call you about lunch”); to escape a nudnik (“My mother’s on the other line”); to namedrop (“We go way back”); to set up a surprise party (“I need help moving the piano”); to buy time (“I’m on my way”); to keep up appearances (“We’re not talking divorce”); to avoid taking out the trash (“My back hurts”); to duck an obligation (“I’ve got a headache”); to maintain a public image (“I go to church every Sunday”); to make a point (“Ich bin ein Berliner”); to save face (“I had too much to drink”); to humor (“Correct as usual, King Friday”); to avoid embarrassment (“That wasn’t me”); to curry favor (“I’ve read all your books”); to get a clerkship (“You’re the greatest living jurist”); to save a dollar (“I gave at the office”); or to maintain innocence (“There are eight tiny reindeer on the rooftop”).
But, because I don’t read legal opinions, these are new to us;
And we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk, as reflected by the popularity of plastic surgery, elevator shoes, wood veneer paneling, cubic zirconia, toupees, artificial turf and cross-dressing. Last year, Americans spent $40 billion on cosmetics—an industry devoted almost entirely to helping people deceive each other about their appearance. It doesn’t matter whether we think that such lies are despicable or cause more harm than good. An important aspect of personal autonomy is the right to shape one’s public and private persona by choosing when to tell the truth about oneself, when to conceal and when to deceive. Of course, lies are often disbelieved or discovered, and that too is part of the pull and tug of social intercourse. But it’s critical to leave such interactions in private hands, so that we can make choices about who we are. How can you develop a reputation as a straight shooter if lying is not an option?
Yes, wood paneling is exactly like claiming military honors which weren’t earned. Eye make up is like wearing a Purple Heart when the wearer wasn’t wounded in combat. Cubic zirconia is just like claiming to have served in combat when you’ve never left Fort Living Room.
Lat thinks this is cute of Kozinski. I think they’re both shallow, disrespectful, ignorant turds.
And as a long-serving Federal Appeals Court Chief Judge, I’ve determined that they’re both wrong on points of law, too. Suck that.
Category: Phony soldiers
Kozinski talks like a man who has never seen a friend’s PH awarded to him on his casket.
Kozinski also talks like someone who has no life, no love, no feelings, no honor, no scruples, no morals, no heart, and no backbone. I refuse to call him a man; I would hate to call him a human. If that is truly the way he thinks, he’s never had a decent thought or committed a decent action in his entire miserable existence.
The only place this piece of slime will “curry favor” is in hell.
The argument is absurd anyway, as Congress has never attempted in any way to control lies in bars, and would undoubtably not do so. If any Congress tried to outlaw that shit above, no one would vote for it, so the straw man here is of the most absurd variety. There is no compelling reason for any of these actions, and yet Congress does have a right, even an obligation to do what it did with the SVA.
What else would you really expect from a “jurist” who kept porn pictures and movies of himself on his own website, after being appointed to the bench?
I guess the judge also doesn’t have problems with things like “she told me she was 18”.