School names field after fallen soldier

| March 25, 2011

Just A Grunt sends a link to his hometown paper about a school who has just named their athletic field for a fallen soldier and former student;

The field at North Cobb Christian School off Old Highway 41 in Kennesaw was renamed the Jacob Dennis Field during a ceremony conducted at halftime in a soccer match between NCCS and Woodstock’s River Ridge High School. A bronze, fallen soldier monument featuring a helmet, rifle and a pair of boots was also unveiled in his memory at the field.

A 2005 NCCS graduate, Army Private First Class Jacob Dennis was 22 years old when he died of injuries suffered while serving in Afghanistan last summer.

His parents, Tony and Renee Dennis, brother, Sam, and sister, Molly, a sixth-grader at the school, accepted replicas of the monument and an American flag flown over the school at around the time of his death. His mother is an administrative assistant at the independent Christian school.

Category: Support the troops, Terror War

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Just one more thing to like about Kennesaw.

Andy FMF

Perfect response.

Dirty Al the Infidel

I wish I had known about this sooner. I would have liked to have attended this event, I live right up the road from there. One big HOOAH to NCCS. God bless this school,PFC Dennis’ family and his sacrifice.

Lucy Lucy

We can never do enough to honor our fallen soulders.
May God bless his family and give them peace.