Napolitano: The border is open for business

| March 25, 2011

Yesterday, the Homeland Security Department posted this optimistic message from Secretary Janet Napolitano on their TheBlog@Homeland Security;

Yet, local leaders in border communities say misinformation about the safety of the Southwest border is hurting their communities, driving potential visitors away and hurting local businesses.

The reality is that the Southwest border is open for business. El Paso, Texas is one of the best examples. Not only have crime statistics shown it to be one of the safest big cities in the country, but the value of imports crossing into the United States through El Paso has risen 40 percent just in the last year.

In fact, today I was in El Paso to meet with local officials and business leaders to discuss ways that we can help strengthen trade and travel in the region and help set the record straight about the safety and economic opportunities in their communities.

We all agree that the challenges at the border are real – but so is the progress we’ve made over the last two years. I’m proud to join with our border communities in spreading the word that the Southwest border is, indeed, open for business.

I say that’s pretty bold talk from a portly woman with her own security detail. Guidance from the Fort Bliss commander from less than two years ago (Fort Bliss is next to El Paso) reads like this;

I think if Janet Napolitano told me the sky is blue, I’d have to ask for another opinion.

Thanks to one of our observant readers who shall remain nameless.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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She of the short hair and comfy shoes should maybe coordinate her statements with the U.S. Department of State. Her statements clash directly with their most current travel warnings.

“Recent violent attacks and persistent security concerns have prompted the U.S. Embassy to urge U.S. citizens to defer unnecessary travel to Michoacán and Tamaulipas, to parts of Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango, and Coahuila, (see details below) and to advise U.S. citizens residing or traveling in those areas to exercise extreme caution.”

”Much of the country’s narcotics-related violence has occurred in the northern border region. For example, since 2006, three times as many people have been murdered in Ciudad Juarez, in the state of Chihuahua, across from El Paso, Texas, than in any other city in Mexico. More than half of all Americans killed in Mexico in FY 2009 whose deaths were reported to the U.S. Embassy were killed in the border cities of Ciudad Juarez and Tijuana.
Since 2006, large firefights have taken place in towns and cities in many parts of Mexico, often in broad daylight on streets and other public venues. Such firefights have occurred mostly in northern Mexico, including Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, Chihuahua City, Nogales, Nuevo Laredo, Piedras Negras, Reynosa, Matamoros and Monterrey. Firefights have also occurred in Nayarit, Jalisco and Colima. During some of these incidents, U.S. citizens have been trapped and temporarily prevented from leaving the area.
The situation in northern Mexico remains fluid; the location and timing of future armed engagements cannot be predicted. U.S. citizens are urged to exercise extreme caution when traveling throughout the region, particularly in those areas specifically mentioned in this Travel Warning.”

You can read it in its entirety here:

Arizona is well rid of her.

USMC Steve

That woman wouldn’t know the truth if it hit her in the twat with a fungo bat.

She could not lie straight in bed.


Wasn’t DHS stood up because of an inability to coordinate across agencies? If I were at DHS, I’d be wired tight to DoS, DoJ, and DoD just because of mission commonality. As usual, more bureaucrats, less efficiency.


Lawyer, former gov of AZ.

None of that equates to knowing jack regarding national security…or in her case, knowing anything at all.

The issues, the threat(s), mitigation, vulnerabilities, capabilities…it’s all quite too much for Her Dwarfness.


Yeah, that’s why in addition to Ft Bliss, soldiers assigned to Ft. Huachuca also are forbidden to cross over, not sure about the Marines in Yuma, AZ or in California, but I would imagine they are just as cautious. I spent almost a month at Huachuca in November and they had reminders at recall formations especially on Fridays about going across the border or even to the towns on our side of the border. El Paso has had random bullets shot from across the border recently and while it may be relatively safe because of the high amount of LEO presence if you go out and away from the cities it is entirely a different story.

Miss Ladybug

Dad was stationed at Bliss from ’82-’86. He was 1SG. I remember him talking about the occasional soldier who went into Juarez and ended up in a Mexican jail and had to have food brought to him. It wasn’t really safe then. It’s even worse now.

I want to teach. Haven’t had luck in finding a job. Might be able to get one in a less desirable location along the border, but they couldn’t pay me enough money to take a job anywhere down there…


I kinda feel like I am in Orwell’s 1984, its like everything that comes out of their mouths is the exact opposite of what is really happening

Laughing Wolf

Janet Incompetano is right, the border is indeed open for business and it is business she likes: inbound human trafficking is huge. Also, drugs, kidnapping, etc. Oh, and for ATF and company to send large amounts of weapons to the drug cartels and others. Yep, it is truly open for business. Carter was incompetent, but he at least had a few people under him that wouldn’t drown like a turkey in the rain. This administration better hope that there isn’t a bad rain storm soon, of the entire flock of incompetent turkeys will drown.


Ms. Napolitano was elected, and re-elected to be governor of Arizona. Is she truly incompetent, or continuing to look out for friends and monied associates, or making a bid to appeal to folks who would bring in big cash from north of the border?


As one of her former ‘subjects’ I have no reservations telling you that YES, she IS incompetent.

We’re Still trying to dig out from under the mess she created here.


Here! Everybody, including DOD and Pentagon. Pass this on down the line to DHS Sec Janet (Big Sis)Incompetano.


That woman is *batshit* crazy! One of our Congress critters is pushing to get USCG fast boats and helo’s patrolling the Rio Grande River. StQQpid biotch..


“I was in El Paso to meet with local officials and business leaders “. Apparently, she was too busy to meet with law enforcement types?
Indeed, “batshit crazy” fits her to a tee. Unfortunately, it gives batshit a bad name.