Nine Officers set to be punished in Fort Hood shooting

| March 11, 2011

Jerry920 and Rurik sent us a link to a Fox News story that the Army is planning on punishing nine Army officers in the Hasan murder case at Fort Hood;

The Army does not identify the officers who will be punished nor does it reveal their specific punishments. A press release from the Army reads:

“The severity of each action varies depending on case-specific facts and circumstances. In certain cases, it may take several weeks to ensure that each officer is accorded appropriate due process and to take final action. In order to protect the due process rights of the officers involved, the Army will not identify them or provide details of the administrative actions at this time.

I wonder if whoever it was at the FBI who decided they wouldn’t tell the Army about Hassan’s emails to the cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, in Yemen will be punished. Probably not because he was probably following policy.

I am curious which officers are being punished, though. Like, is it going to be the board that let him become a clinician or recommended him for major, or will it be someone who didn’t station enough guards at the processing center? The Associated Press speculates that it’s the former;

Nine Army officers are being reprimanded for leadership failures in connection with the shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, and their failure to detect and report problems with the accused shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, as he moved along in his medical career.

As I’ve said before, even if those officers had tried to do something about Hasan’s radicalization, they’d been screwed to the wall by CAIR or someone. It’s the FBI which bears the most responsibility here.

Category: Military issues, Terror War

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Old Trooper

Gen. “I hope this doesn’t hurt our diversity” Casey better be at the top of the list. This is stupid. The Pentagon creates the “diversity” climate which makes it almost impossible for officers to be honest in their evaluations and ratings of subordinates, then when something happens, they start looking for people to hang from the cross.

That’s like when Guns n Roses kicked Steven Adler out of the band for doing too many drugs.


With no clear cut established policy, my question is WHY are only certain officers being punished and not the entire chain of command for Major Hassan?? (It’s really a rhetorical question) I realize that somebody(ies) must be punished just because the Army needs a scapegoat. In a sense, this is much like Abu Ghraib.

Doc Bailey

you know when Haditha happened we knew names almost before the dust settled. I want details, and I want to know who dropped the ball when and where, and by God I want SOMEONE to figure out how to stop this crap from happening again.

But. . . because that would stomp on PC toes that will not happen. Sucks to be us.

Rabak Kabar

When is the trial for Major Hassan? It’s been two years. Whatever happened to swift justice?

Andy FMF

The victims’ families will have to demand the information and use the recent firing of the Navy’s Japan JLSO as a model.


Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Put a negative comment on an OER tied to religion and you are going to be beaten down by your chain of command and the OER won’t be signed by the officer’s senior rater until re-written, without religious connotations, then the IG complaint for the whole chain of command for a hostile work environment. Give a center of mass with generic comments, and, due to high selection rates, the CPT will still retire as an LTC. I had a female officer tell me that she once successfully petitioned an OER because, in the body, the word “she” appeared. Apparently this impinged upon the gender neutrality of the OER.

Miss Ladybug

When I heard this story on FNC last night, I said to my parents that these 9 officers were screwed either way…report your concerns, offent PC protocols, your career will suffer; don’t say anything, he shoots up the place and kills 13 (well, 14, if you consider the one soldier was pregnant), and your career suffers because you remained silent…


Similar happened in the debacle over Walter Reed’s maintenance: fire the officers in charge, ignore the factors and actors who created the environment to begin with. Just a procedural error, folks, nothing to see here.

That said, is it reasonable to presume these officers were too ignorant to pick up the phone and dial JAG and CID and discuss their concerns? JAG would have told them to document everything, and CID would not have stayed idle.

Same stuff, different FY.


Muslims (or other politcally-correct left/liberal favorite group) get a free ride and everyone else pays for it, one way of another. Again.

Michael in MI

JONN LILYEA: Nine Army officers are being reprimanded for leadership failures in connection with the shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas, and their failure to detect and report problems with the accused shooter, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, as he moved along in his medical career.

As I’ve said before, even if those officers had tried to do something about Hasan’s radicalization, they’d been screwed to the wall by CAIR or someone. It’s the FBI which bears the most responsibility here.

OLD TROOPER: Gen. “I hope this doesn’t hurt our diversity” Casey better be at the top of the list. This is stupid. The Pentagon creates the “diversity” climate which makes it almost impossible for officers to be honest in their evaluations and ratings of subordinates, then when something happens, they start looking for people to hang from the cross.

If I were one of the officers being reprimanded, I would tell my lawyer to use this defense. That they were going by the leadership of GEN Casey, that they knew that the Army’s “diversity” was more important than the possible mass murder of military personnel. As GEN Casey stated, it would be more of a tragedy to deny Hasan promotion than were he to go on an Islamic mass murdering jihad against fellow Army personnel.

Put the legal target on Casey’s back and get his dipshit PC ass canned as well. He should have been canned the day after he made that ridiculous statement.