NATO: Iran rockets found in Afghanistan

| March 9, 2011

Ho-hum. More evidence that we’re fighting Iran in the Middle East. 50 rockets in Taliban hands captured before their Spring offensive. From the Associated Press;

The intercepted 122-millimeter rockets can be fired up to 13 miles (22 kilometers) away from a target, and explode in a burst up to 80 feet (25 meters) wide – double that of the previous 107-millimeter rockets provided by Iran to the Taliban since 2006, the official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss classified matters.

The rockets, which were shown to the reporter, were machined without Iranian markings or any serial numbers, but the official says their technical details match other Iranian models.

But there’s no real reason to permanently interrupt their “peaceful” nuclear program.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

I’m shocked that Iranian weapons have been found in A-stan; SHOCKED I TELL YOU!!! Ok, not so much.


Uh-huh. Color me surprised.


My moment of doubt: are they sure these weapons are Iranian, and not NORK, PLA, or Russian?

Bob Izzaninja

I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, nothing short of a full scale, all in, boots on the ground invasion of Iran is going to work. We need to send troops. Lots of troops. Now. And without withdrawal timelines – be ready for the long haul. The same goes for Pakistan. At the same time we need to return Iraq to “2007-during the surge” troop levels as there will be a lot of pro-Iranian support crossing over from there.

Bob Izzaninja

My question is when are we going to really get serious about the war on terror and start turning our forces on Saudi Arabia – where almost all terrorist funding originates from to begin with?


So it goes without saying that you want to reinstate the draft, Bob……


More like start WWIII. But what the heck? SOMEBODY has to start it, and as long as we’re in the neighborhood anyway…


One does not need boots on the ground. One needs access to the financial network, and the information networks (formal and informal) to accomplish what Bob recommends.

Since the Saudi princes have begun renting their subjects’ good behaviour, the disposal of the House of Saud is only a matter of time.


A serious note, that. If the current families in power fall, who will take over there? I can’t see where a political destabilization in SA would be a good thing…


#9 PN: whomever controls Mecca controls the oil and the money.

All else on the peninsula is optional.


And the MSM snores. Iranian EFP’s have killing our troops in Iraq for a long time now and neither of the administrations have done anything about it.