Concealed carry in the news

| March 3, 2011

Reading your comments in the post below about Illinois’ problems sent me to the news and I turned up these links all from the last few days;

In Oklahoma; Students supporting concealed-carry laws on campus to wear empty gun holsters

More Oklahoma;; Bill would let Oklahomans vote on open carrying of handguns

In Texas; Students for Concealed Carry on Campus host CHL class

In South Carolina, someone is not happy that SC will allow anyone to carry concealed

In Colorado; Concealed weapon measure receives preliminary approval

In Ohio: Someone thinks Obamaphobia sends CCW license apps soaring.

In North Carolina; LaRoque introduces concealed carry bill

In Illinois; Concealed-carry proposals still alive in House

Wyoming; Wyoming takes step forward for the Second Amendment

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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Bob Izzaninja

In Utah:

“Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, is having a bill drafted that would allow gun owners to carry a concealed, loaded gun almost anywhere in the state — essentially doing away with Utah’s long-standing concealed weapons permit process.

“It allows law-abiding citizens of Utah to carry a firearm for their own personal self-protection with or without a concealed-weapons permit,” Wimmer said Wednesday.

Three states currently have a “constitutional carry” law: Vermont, Alaska and Arizona, which passed the measure last year.”


On the SC link, I love the bullshit from the “retired law enforcement officer” who offers training classes. Yeah, there’s no conflict of interest there, opposing a law that essentially puts that jackass out of business with a state mandated training class. I also love this little tidbit:

As an example, he shared a misconception he heard from a former student. The student wanted to know if he could shoot someone for beating him up. “Of course you can’t shoot someone for slapping you around,” says Roberts, “but that is something that people think that have no training.” He says if the law passes it will be like the “cowboy days” of the west.

How many fucking times do we have to endure this “cowboy days” assertion from these shitheads? And as far as this imaginary student strawman he drags out as his justification for opposing the law, I call bullshit. At this moment in time, the ONLY state within driving distance of my home that won’t offer reciprocity for my Georgia issued CWP is South Carolina and it’s directly related to this horseshit training requirement they have.

CI Roller Dude

As a cop and a firearms instructor for about 30 years, I think well trained civilians, with good weapons, can prevent more crime than all the cops ever will. WE can’t be every place that we’re needed. The key is TRAINING. Good training. An untrained person with a gun is a problem.


I’m unaware of anyone who goes through the trouble of getting their concealed carry permit then sitting back and not practicing or engage some sort of training., What I bristle at making it mandatory. That places me in the unique position of having to beg the state for the right to protect myself not once, but twice. Imagine the hew and cry if the government forced everyone to take a journalism class before starting their own blog or commenting in a chat forum…for their own protection, of course.

Old Trooper

I was told by a cop friend that I get out to train more than he and, according to him, most of his department does. I get out at least once a month, usually twice a month. Why? Because I don’t want to be a statistic.

Zero Ponsdorf

Well… We should be lobbying for OPEN carry anyway.

OT #5: I don’t get out to my range during the winter here. I’m a bit of a sissy I guess.

Old Trooper

LOL Zero! I do indoor ranges in the Winter up here, but that’s because I don’t feel like standing outside when it’s -20. Although, last year, I did go outdoor shooting on Super Bowl Sunday in order to get ready for the game 🙂

Joseph Brown

As I stated in my post(s) about the airmen shot in Germany I’m a South Carolinian. I think we definitely need c/c so things like the guy who was robbed in daylight outside a large clothing store in a mall that looks like a small city by 2 or 3 thugs.
This mall, like most malls, has rent-a-cops inside and vehicle patrols outside and the thugs haven’t been caught yet.


At least they changed the SC carry laws in 1996 to where it’s a ‘shall issue’ versus a ‘may issue’ state. Before, you had to prove need and in most cases, carry a bond, so it was limited to business people, etc.

Joseph Brown

Claymore, we also had/have to carry our weapns on the front seat where they could be seen. NC says we don’t want to see them so put ’em in your glove box! Weird.
And some state, maybe NC made you put your bullets in the trunk. You know, weapons in the glove box, bullets in the trunk. I feel safer already.