He makes it sounds so simple

| March 2, 2011

A few years ago, Michael Moore made a coupla million bucks explaining to the world that “there is no terrorist threat”. Now, several hundred human bombs later, he explains why “we’re not broke”;

Thanks to ROS for the video.

Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos

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Dey terk ur jerbs!

So, as someone who is certainly a member of the highest tax bracket, when is Moore going to start practicing what he’s preaching? Get our money out of your bank account Mikey!

Old Trooper

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. We have people that comment on this site who say the same thing.

Scott; you don’t get it. He’s smarter than you so he knows best how to spend your money. We aren’t talking about his money, afterall.


It’s not the messenger or the message. It’s the suckers who want to believe whatever they’re told. Cuz the Dude’s on television. The Dude abides.

The Sniper

I refuse to listen to that fat, retarded fuck.

Pardon my French.


He makes it sounds so simple“? Simple is all he can manage. Also, what Sniper said.


Just looking at him makes me woozy; having to listen to him would probably land my head right square in a bucket.

What Sniper said.

Frankly Opinionated

Alright, I am opening the video, but only because ROS sent it over. If I puke on my keyboard I will mail it to her. And, another thing, on a recent trip to Central Florida, I stopped at Crystal River and promised, in person, to never ever call him “The Michigan Manatee” again. Promised it right to a mama Manatee and her baby, I did. So now, I will submit this and watch the gelatinous mass as he dazzles us with his brilliance, (urp, urp, ugh).


+2 for Sniper, I could not have said it better.

Je refuse d’écouter que la graisse, fuck retardé

Pardon my English 🙂


The cash belongs to ALL Americans? The jobs are COLLECTIVELY American property? Mikey the Hutt has been reading his Communist Manifesto again, hasn’t he? But what else do expect from somebody who promotes an anti-gun agenda yet has bodyguards who carry? He is a walking (Nope, strike that!) slithering contradiction to life.

Just Plain Jason

He has the end sum view of economics. He doesn’t account for new markets or discoveries. Lucky for him he has a bunch of mindless zombies to keep him filled with burgers.


What Sniper said. And if he isn’t the “Michigan Manatee” any longer, how about the Michigan Fat Fuck? Cuz it all fits, every way.


It’s funny that he thinks that we aren’t broke. Apparently, we’ve got plenty of money, we just need to tax the rich more.

Which is really interesting because he’s spent the last decade telling us that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were driving us into the poor house. And here we are, having defied his advice to cut and run, and we’re awash with money. How does that work?

Enough of the fat jokes already. He’s a slimey piece of shit, but he’d still be a slimey piece of shit even if he joined Jenny Craig and dropped a hundred pounds. There are plenty of substantive reasons to despise this dude but his girth is really not one of them.


This from a guy suing his movie studio cause he claims they didn’t give him enough money? Who shifted his residency back from NY to MI to save on state taxes? Who has his wife run his “foundation” which is little more than a tax dodge?

Oh, the sarcasm drips from his tongue like the sweet and sour sauce after his fourth trip to the buffet.


This fat faggot BBFN still alive? Why is that?
A little retroactive abortion should solve THIS problem.
It would only be FAIR.

B Woodman

I’ll believe his rhetoric (maybe) when I see him empty his bank account and I receive an envelope from him with several hundred (of his? mine? ours?) dollars.

Until then hypocrisy slithers rampant.
Right up there with Uncle Joe Biden’s assertion that it’s our patriotic duty to pay more taxes.

You first!