Caldwell’s accuser FOS?

| February 26, 2011

Like I said the other day, it’s beginning to look more like the Rolling Stone Magazine was taken for a clown car ride…more accurately, Michael Hastings was taken for a ride by Texas National Guardsman LTC Michael Holmes. Sources in the Army and apparently in a position to know, tell the Wall Street Journal that Holmes wasn’t trained in psychological operations.

The U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command announced Friday that their special warfare center has no record of training Lt. Col. Michael Holmes in “psychological operations.”

In an interview, Lt. Col. Holmes said he received training in information operations and how to use the psychological operation techniques but never claimed to have been trained as a psy-ops officer.

And the politicians involved told Fox News that they didn’t feel brainwashed;

U.S. lawmakers have played down these alleged operations, suggesting they were not influenced to do anything they didn’t already want to do.

Like Blackfive said, Holmes has been sitting at home since September stewing in his own juices, and now, nearly six months later, it’s worthy of a Rolling Stones article and an investigation. It sounded ridiculous to me when I first read Hastings’ article and I still think that the only operation going on here is one to discredit Hastings and apparently Hastings is more than willing to cooperate.

Category: Military issues

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Won’t matter. Even if the story was complete bullshit, legions of Duffian conspiracy lovers have already seized on it, and any evidence proffered to discredit it will just be written off as part of the evil Zionist military industrial complex super-secret plot for world domination.


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I think he was part of an IO battalion which is the Army’s new clearing house for non-EW information warfare so it’s not technically a “Psy-Ops” unit. It sounded like the LTG knew that the guys down at the IO Batt had training in putting together dossiers so he tasked some them to put together profiles on visiting Congressmen in order to more effectively brief (and persuade) them. The Manchurian Candidate stuff people are throwing around is pretty unhinged.


Does the name and unit sound familiar to…

CPT Eric Holmes May; Crackpot?

From same unit TNG and same middle name”Holmes”. I definitely think we’re dealing with the same wannabe?


Our friends at Hereford are still gainfully employed.

Luck in Battle

The Sniper

I am shocked, SHOCKED that he was FOS. Oh wait, I wasn’t shocked at all. In fact, I figured he was all along.


1stCavRVN11B – Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes… I remember that fruit cake well. He claimed to work with PD in Houston and was going to have me busted for busting his fantasy bubbles. (g) I sent his delusions to some Houston’s finest I worked with and copied in the PD he claimed worked with him. The info on him is fact.

Dear Wannabe: You can run but you’ll just die tired


Frankly Opinionated

While John McCain is not my idea of the strongest Republican Pokitician, he does have my undying respect for his ‘Nam ordeal. And, to think that he could be brainwashed is ludicrous! Don’t these loons realize that has already been tried with him? Were that the case, he would today be planting rice in Vietnam.
And Joe Lieberman? The Dems have been trying to brainwash him, to no avail, for years.
There is no telling what these empty jugs will come up with next.

Frankly Opinionated

Big fingers, little keys, no proofing. Should read ,,,,strongest Republican Politician,,,,,


@ #7, About time you spoke up, ya knucklehead! ROFL!


Warning Wannabe’s; Never piss off # 7…..He’ll hunt you down lie a dawg.Then me, Jonn and 1stCav are right behind him. You can run but you can’t hide. HEH!


lie = like