Suspending colonels

| February 24, 2011

Something weird is going on and it’s going on in numerical order. Last month I read about suspension of the 172d Brigade’s commander Col. Frank Zachar and his sergeant major. Today, Stars & Stripes writes a little about why;

Zachar allegedly told a meeting: “It [is] all about loyalty. Performance does not matter, potential does not matter, only loyalty matters. If you are not loyal … you will not survive this brigade.”

I guess now he’s sitting in a corner fingering two large balll bearings while explaining to no one there “Ahh, but the strawberries that’s… that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with… geometric logic… that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist….”

But today S&S reported they also suspended the commander of the 173rd Brigade;

The Army has formally suspended Col. James H. Johnson III as commander of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, which has about 3,300 soldiers in Italy and Germany. The Army took action Feb. 17, according to Col. Bryan Hilferty, chief of public affairs for U.S. Army Europe.

“He’s been suspended,” Hilferty said, declining to comment further since the case is under investigation.

No idea where that came from. He just finished a successful deployment to Afghanistan. And no one is talking.

Category: Military issues

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This is an interesting cultural gap between services. Skippers and COs get cannned all the time in the Navy and Marine Corps (esp on subs) and people just shrug it off as part of the competitive selection process for the top officer billets. That there’s becoming less safe space in the Army is a good thing in the long run unless there’s some unexplained tomfoolery going on here.


Not sure about the veracity of the site but:


I place more trust in that site than in my PAO


Speaking of senior officers looking for work, did anyone see this one yet?



John already posted about it.


I did a JRTC rotation with him when he was with 1-16 INF. He seemed fine…hard charging etc. I know he and the ODA that was working with him on one “op” didn’t get along and that caused some stuff I wasn’t privy to.

Doc Bailey

#1 The tradition runs that Relief like this has to have a reason. You do your hitch and move on, and hitches can be shorter or longer depending on what you do and how well you do it. If the Army announces a change like this someone F**ked up.

I hope we *eventually* hear the whole story.


Doc B, that’s how I remember it. To be relieved is a career ender. Somebody had to have screwed the pooch.


I served under Zachar when he was the BN Commander at 1-16 Infantry it also turns out that the SMAJ that got relieved with him at the 172nd was his BN CSM at 1-16 for a while including that JRTC rotation. Zachars nickname among the troops was the “Fuhrer”
Zachar and French were the worst command team by far I ever served under. He is so sensitive of IG calls and loyalty because of his time at Riley. He would cram 4 or 5 joes into 2 man rooms and took a perverse joy in running his battalion into the ground, he micromanaged every aspect of the battalion making subordinate leaders caretakers. And CSM French did absolutely nothing. I saw alot of young E-5s who just got there first crack at being a team leader basically mail it in because they had no job under the Fuhrer. Trust me the 172nd is stronger for this, Zachar is self promoter who thinks getting his name in the post newspaper is more important than taking care of his Brigade/Battalion.


I’m glad I was with the BDE for that JRTC rotation only. I mentioned this to a buddy who was with me at Polk that August. He mentioned the “Fuhrer” nickname right off. There are tons of guys like this dude. The job is bad enough at times without the added misery of bad boss. I just came from the best command climate in the world to one where everybody is micro managed. It becomes like “Survivor” just “outlast” until the new folks come in.


The problem with Johnson and his throwing CDs at Majors and referring to his field grade officers as retards and abusing people with his style of creating fear in order to lead is that he made a bunch of Johnsonesque (mini Johnsons) along the way. Another Fuhrer type exists there at 173rd in the S7. His step on necks to get where we wants to be style is very akin to Johnson’s. Look at the details facts testimonies statements evidence from people who served under Johnson and meticulously dig for details on the dirty things that were done there that were not ethical or possibly illegal in terms of contracts paying Afghans and misuse of gear ITS ENDLESS…


There needs to be a top down investigation at the 173rd pulling in the CSM S7 and a few other sections and leaders and you will find a lot more to the 173rd other than merely Johnson. He might be the worst of the bunch but dig deep and kick over a bunch of logs. There will be a bunch of critters who scurry for cover once investigations and Hostile Work Environment issues start to rise up. That place has the strangest workaholic churn and burn approach to leading troops – there is very little care or concern and way too much effort of leaders there trying to make names for themselves and produce bullets for their OERs rather than balance work and life they just eat their own like canabals there. Human dignity? Not so much. Coercive leadership and perfectionism and hostile brutal boss syndromes run rampant there at the 173 ABCT. Some general needs to CLEAN HOUSE there – people are being wrecked there.


Karma..Johnson got what he deserved and he along with his spineless minions ruined some great warriors and leaders. That is the problem of BCTs that have no parent supervision and no big brother looking over thier shoulder seeing the massive abuse of power and privilege. the BDE CSM should also be given the heave ho and sent down the road. He is totally worthless.


One should read “Land with No Sun” by Command Sergeant Ted G Arthurs to get a idea of what true leadership and espirit de corps is all about! In particular command of the 4th Battalion, 503rd Infantry (Airborne) 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sep) between periods August 1967 to February 1968. Lt Col James H Johnson II commanded the 4th Batt. during it’s most trying times (Dak To and Tuy Hoa) He showed all of us who came later, what leadership as all about. He was obviously loved by his men because they knew beyond all doubt that he loved and cared for them. My question is “Is this Col. James H Johnson III related to Col. Johnnie II”? If so and if all of the allegations are true, this James H Johnson III has hard, long road ahead of him. Being relieved of command of unit like the “Herd” is career stopper. What a shame. You had it all Sir but you forgot what makes it all tick, YOUR MEN. God bless all of the “Herd”. Be patient, there are good leaders out there!!!!!