Taliban Johnny is adjusting well to prison

| February 17, 2011

ROS sends us link to an article in the Associated press in which the father of John Walker Lindh assures us that his son is doing well;

Frank Lindh told students at the University of San Francisco School of Law on Wednesday that his son, now 30, spends his days studying ancient Islamic texts and is earning a liberal arts degree at Indiana University.

“He’s a very calm and centered person,” Frank Lindh said of his son. “He’s very spiritual. He does his daily prayers. He’s an observant Muslim. . We talk heart to heart a lot.”

Of course the little creep is doing well in prison, Islam is a prison. Lindh chose Islam for the constraints, so as long as he’s in a prison surrounded by Muslims who also “adjust well” to prison, he’ll be fine.

Lindh contends his son was serving with the Taliban only to protect civilians who were being victimized by the Northern Alliance….

Yep, and the Northern Alliance was only protecting citizens from the Taliban…just choose which group of cold-eyed, goat raping thugs you want to kill you.

Category: Terror War

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Frankly Opinionated

Using good old style common sense logic, we could say that since he wasn’t doing well on the outside, and that he is doing well on the inside, that this would be a great location for him to spend the rest of his life.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND, we’re paying for his college education.

Go us!


Hmm. I think I’m more in favor of shipping his traitorous butt back to the Stan and fitting him with a tracking device…..


…where some lucky young Marine or Army sniper can use him for target practice.

(There! I finished your sentence for you, Jacobite! 🙂 )

Old Trooper

Notice where papa jihad was giving his talk? San Fransisco; imagine that.


Huh. Maybe they ought to ask Mike Spann what he thinks about that…Oh thats right, we cant cause Mike is dead because of this crapaud. Daddy must be real proud of his little jihadi.


Thank you PN. 🙂


And for anyone who may have forgotten who John Spann is, please visit this page. http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/jmspann.htm


Who is paying for his university education? What is he studying?

Are, the American taxpayer, creating a more knowledgeable, more radical terrorist?


Why aren’t any of these turds breaking big rocks into little rocks for gravel? Earn their meals down there at Club Gitmo. Guess I’m a little old school in that regard. Of course, I also support chain-gangs for minimum security inmates to do labor for the state they’re in. Screw that college degree, cable TV and weight pile prison system!


Here, DaveO:

“Frank Lindh told students at the University of San Francisco School of Law on Wednesday that his son, now 30, spends his days studying ancient Islamic texts and is earning a liberal arts degree at Indiana University.”

While incarcerated.


Reading this article made me happy as I realized that I and 99.99% of Americans haven’t thought of him in years as he quietly rots in jail. Tomorrow, I’ll walk outside into the sun and drive where I want. He’ll look at a lot of concrete walls and do as he’s told.


Yup, we’ll enjoy the sun, while others in that pen will enjoy Frank Lindh’s son. Too bad, but not sad, at all.

Enjoy, Johnnie, enjoy.


He is nearly halfway through his meager 20-year sentence and will be not even 45 when released. And he will have a college degree from a major university while there are men and women picking up weapons and working to pay for theirs.

I do hope his days on the outside are numbered.


Makes one wonder if ol Frank didn’t name his son after the famous spy John Walker.

Doc Bailey

“To protect the civilians against abuses from the Northern Alliance” Wow. I gotta imagine that this would give liberals a logical hissey fit from the inconsistency . For your entertainment:

“Taliban were cruel viscous and what not doing all those “human rights” abuses We don’t like, BUT. . . they did oppose the US after (as the truthers tell us) Bush destroyed our own buildings to go to war with someone no one really cared about. Islam is about peace, yet a lot of violent angry prisoners see appeal in it. This guy was *good* for killing an *evil* American operative, but he also did a lot of bad things. He’s a *freedom fighter* that denied freedom. But he made a choice to go against the *evil* white Christians, so that must be *good* right? But since there is no God (according to ANYONE who reads Darwin of course) its all rather silly”

like I said logical inconsistency in supporting this guy.


There is only one thing I can say…that I agree with Jacobite and PN.

Send him back!


John Lindh was just a dumb kid who got mixed up with the wrong people. He was raised by hippie parents. He was looking for some discipline in his life so he turned to Islam.
While in A-stan he did not fight against any Americans. We were not there yet. When Spann got killed Lindh was sitting on the ground with his arms tied behind his back. IMHO John Lindh got shafted. Foreigners have been released from Gitmo and returned to fight against us. But we keep an American in prison.

Junior AG

“But we keep an American in prison.” You join somebody else’s military & swear allegance to their colors, you ain’t an American anymore in my book. And that goes for that Chicago coruptocrat-ballerina Rham Emanuel doing a hitch as an IDF support troop in Gulf War I, too.



John W. Lindh was a young adult at the time of his arrest, not a ‘kid’, and he was not shafted, he cut a plea down to two charges and was convicted of 1.serving in the Taliban Army and 2.carrying weapons. He received 20 years in prison and is possibly eligible for parole after serving 17. Had he faced and been convicted of all the charges he was indicted on he could have received more than 2 life sentences and no parole.

He was not ultimately charged in relation to Spann’s death.
The little prick was fully aware of the planned riot though, as well as the presence of weapons in the prison, yet he said nothing. While he didn’t physically take Spann’s life, he is certainly complicit.

Spann’s father continues to collect evidence against the little traitor. I wish him every luck in his quest to see Lindh rot in prison, though as I stated before, I’d be just as pleased to see him dropped off back in Afghanistan. 🙂


…and if they were to drop him off in Afghanistan — just to make the wish-list complete — they need to drop his papa off with him.
(Was just watching a “splodey” video over at Bring the Heat…) It’s just amazing what an Apache can do to running men, isn’t it? 🙂


Isn’t Lindh senior a double-dipper? IOW’s, he decided he’d had enough of married life and took off with another guy?