Village Voice meets TAH

| February 7, 2011

Some dimwit clown named Roy Edroso who writes at the Village Voice decided to write about my commentary yesterday on Washington Post’s “Five Myths About Reagan“;

Yeah, even though Jimmy Carter was the worst President in American History by any intelligent measure (well, until Obama who seems to be on track to take the title), we can expect only tender treatments of the most venomous ex-President from the Post. Prove me wrong, Edroso. And prove me wrong that Desert Storm would not have been a close-run with Jimmy Carter’s army. He had to reinstate draft registration in he face of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution in 1979, just seven years after Nixon ended the draft when recruiters were forced to recruit from the ranks of boderline retards. The Army had to boot the Cat IVs a few years later when recruiting under Reagan ballooned.

Like I said in my original post, we wore cold weather gear from the Korean War era, our weaponry was mostly left over from the Vietnam War. Tankers were a generation of armor behind the Soviets while infantry defended the Fulda Gap with the M113 which was first fielded in 1962 Vietnam.

Under Reagan, we fielded the M1 and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and the heavy-barreled M16A2, with which we leaped over the Soviets…and more importantly, the Iraqis.

And oh, let’s talk about Reagan’s poll numbers…He carried 49 states in 1984. How’s that for poll numbers?

I hate hippies, especially the smarmy, know-it-alls who rely on the Left’s lies.

Category: I hate hippies, Media

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Village Voice bro, NYC Lefties make a fine cat litter box liner. Great Journalism if you want to read an ad for a transexual norwegian hooker who calls itself lady asia. Bums use it for shit paper in queens

AW1 Tim

No sense in using the VV to line a liiter box. That would be redundant.

What would you expect from them? they are teh ghey, you know?


Their smug self important intellect knows no bounds,but their
ignorance and naivete is indescribable.


They may be stupid, but even cattle make cattle barons rich. Evidence: Arianna Huffington’s sale of the Huffington Post to AOL for $315million. How many Prog heads exploded when they discovered they were just boosting her bottom line?

Perhaps the Village Voice expects GE to buy them out.


Major stories today: AOL buys HuffPo for $315 Mil in used “90 Days FREE!!” CD’s, and VV acts butt-hurt because they can’t face the fact that liberals lie and get caught doing it.

Must be REALLY lonely in those offices right now.


I like the part advertising for recreational users of prescription oxycontin. Nice. When you’re doing a study on hillbilly heroin, just advertise for guinea pigs in the Village Voice.


Dave, even assuming most of them are capable of arriving at that realization, I suspect they would simply spin it as “See how much money our side can make!”, totally ignorant of the hypocrisy in doing so. Denial is like a survival trait for these people.

Zero Ponsdorf

On the plus side…’There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.’

BTW Jonn, I somehow missed the ‘snarl’; you need to work harder on the image now that you are famous (sorta).


It’s also said that “imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.”

But their comments about TAH aren’t NEARLY as clever as our comments about their blogs! 🙂


I wonder if cattle know they go well in either a dry rub, or with sauce. Either way, thems that give them voice are raking in money in unimaginable amounts.

So what say you Jonn… pay us? Or waiting to get bought by Blackfive? LOL

Doc Bailey

You know you’re doing something right when they go spitting mad at the mere mention of your name! Keep it up.


You do snarl a lot which makes liberal bedwetters like that assclown very nervous.


LOL! What Doc B said … 🙂

Cedo Alteram

C’mon Jonn, you know you most likely have more daily hits then they subscribers. Still to be mentioned in such a “mainstream” publication is awesome! Assholes!

Old Trooper

When I went to basic, we were the first rotation to actually do live fire exercises, again. Before us, they only fired enough to zero and qualify with their weapon. Once Reagan came in, he got busy making a proficient military, again. Plus, I got a $50 per month pay raise 2 months into my hitch, compliments of Ronaldus Maximus. Let me tell you, a $50 increase was a lot to a private who was making $400 a month.

As for these douche worthy folks at Village People’s Voice? It sucks to be them.