Nose where it doesn’t belong
Yeah, Code Pink is in Egypt. And Daniel sent us this link to the Democratic Underground discussion about it.
35. So nice to hear.Because the way they are carrying out the protests is only comparable to Selma Alabama….in my realm of knowledge. The Egyptian people are showing the world the way.
Yeah, only a few hundred years after the rest of the world got the message.
Le Taz
26. K & RCode Pink. STILL fighting the Good Fight.
Against common sense. It’s a fund raising ploy, and the DUmmies are falling for it.
40. That is a really good idea. Code Pink is impressive.The state department should hire her. A lot of neocons are going to blow head gaskets.
Yeah, are you called “Bright Knight” for the same reason that we named the really fat guy”Tiny”?
Category: Code Pink
Oh shit… I don’t suppose they’d keep her there as an inspiration or something?
Remember kids, you can’t spell ‘dumbass’ without DU.
When the protesters get the ‘change’ they are demonstrating for that turns out to be the Muslim Brotherhood instead of actual freedom and democracy, do you think Code Pink will be back in Egypt protesting the fact that all those women in the photo above would be whipped for showing their faces in public?
I’ve never understood how the Western feminism movement can complain about politically incorrect sexism in America while ignoring life and death sexism in the Middle East.
@ Dave Thul #3: There it is!
Hmmmm. Is it even worth commenting on either Code Pinko or DU at this point?
Nope. Time to pop a coldie.
Where do they get the funding to fly around the world at a moment’s notice? I have a pretty good job, but do you think I could just drop everything and jet off to Egypt? Not even if one of the Pharoah’s rose up and called me personally! So where does Code Pink get their travel pay? Why is it that decent folks can’t afford to take their family to Disney World on vacation, but people that cause no end of trouble can fly around the world???
It’s incredibly frustrating to see the mainstream left fall for the smoke and mirrors put out by Communist and Socialist front groups. More so considering they’re not even aware of the actual character of these “anti war” and “social justice” groups. Wake up people.
Maybe, Medea will find a soulmate in one of the Egyptian protesters and stay there. Lord knows that she woudn’t be missed by most Americans if she stayed there.
Ms Benjamin (who barely deserves that surname) needs to step back (cuz she never does) and truly analyze what it is she’s talking about (and it ain’t just her, either) … Check this out you silly little slapper …
Eh…Bonez. Ms Benjamin is on a one way train to Hell. She always has been. First met her way back when she was a collegiate *communist punk* paying visits to The Presido in Frisco.
She knows she’ll get whatever she deserves and the woman knows that. Those are the risks they take when they so choose to go that highway…..
I still want to know why there is no news coming out of the MFO? We have troops there!
I’ve noticed that there are some folks who lack even the most basic of survival skills.
Like going to a place that’s falling apart, and wearing a fu–ing pink shirt to draw attention to yourself.
Kind of like the Berkley dipshits who decided to go for a day hike on the border of Iraq and Iran….no survival skills, then when they get arrested, and have the snot beat of of them, they’ll expect the US Gov to spend millions of dollars and send troops to rescue their stupid asses.
God, I’m glad retirement is going to be so good.
When is she going to assume room temp.? Hopefully Tehran will keep the hikers, and the female will be dumb enough to go back for the trial. Three less to deal with here. Dumbasses!
Correct me if I’m wrong but is that an Abrams in the background? Kinda makes you wonder what might happen if the Muslim Brotherhood had in its possession a squadron of MBTs. I’m pretty sure there’d be none of the peace and freedom DU and Code Pink seem to think will shower out of their butholes if that were the case
Doc B, I’ve been checking that out too. I was never Armor, but the tanks I’ve seen in the news look like Abrams to me.
If so, hopefully the arab rep for doing zero maintenance means none of the targeting suite works.
CODEPINK will still be *screwed*…..heads will roll, lol.
@Doc and OldSoldier. I gotta say that Inshalla bas been the best belief of our enemy that the US military has ever come across. Nothing like believing that the tank will run or the bullet will hit if God wills. Nothing can be done on your part so why bother working hard?
I think thats why we’re willing to give them our weapons platforms. If the fanatics take over you won’t have to worry about them working much longer.
If Egypt goes the way of Iran, and nothing coming out of DC inspires me to think differently, I guess we’ll see if the Abrams and Merkava are equal and the crews make the difference. Unless Ears makes sure we send maintenance crews to keep the MB M-1’s running for his BFF’s.
Egypt has M1A1s, I believe. Enough to give Israeli armor a real challenge.
#3 Dave Thul: It’s not about equality for women – that is the vehicle women such as Ms. Benjamin drive to attain personal power. The horrors imposed on Muslim women are very much meaningless to them, unless those women are Palestinian, and then it’s hip to be outraged. Of course, they’re never outraged enough to invite sharia consequences on themselves.
So, human rights, feminism – these are snake oils Benjamin hocks to those who fund her rise to power.
Yet another reason my tag-line is, “Just another NorCal expat.” Along with “Reality trumps Idealism.”