I hate hippies
Someone sent me this video of the Bradley Manning rally at Quantico last weekend;
All of our favorite hippies are there.
Of course, the “activists” blame the military police for the manufactured outrageous treatment of Bradley Manning for the rug burns from his scratchy blankets. The blankets they bring for poor Brad look strangely like the blankets I see wrapped around homeless people in DC.
It must be nice to be able to push and shove MPs around and not get gun down or beaten with a night stick. Brave activists.
For some reason I see the Guantanamo mock prisoners in the crowd, too. I wonder what the point is. If I were Brad Manning, I’d welcome imprisonment in Gitmo, what with the good chow and balmy weather. Beats Northern Virginia in the winter.
The Code Pink hags had to retool this weekend, though, and headed out to Egypt. This from Medea Benjamin;
Dear Jonn,
After several cancelled flights, I am finally on my way to Egypt to join my CODEPINK colleagues who are already there. We were supposed to be leading a delegation to Gaza right now, traveling through the Sinai to get to Gaza’s southern border. The Rafa crossing into Gaza has been closed, our delegation is unable to leave Cairo, and we have been caught up in the breath-taking people’s movement that is sweeping Egypt. CODEPINK’s Tighe Barry has been out on the streets of Cairo all week long. You can hear a compelling report from him here.
Nothing would make me happier than if the Code Pink hags would get stuck in Egypt and Gaza. Activist tourists. Fly in, get everyone all riled up and then back to Starbucks for scones.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink
Hippies do indeed suck. I am right there with you on that score.
Yeah, they see “little Bradley” as this poor kid who helped revolutionize the way information is disseminated. They’re unwilling to see him as a soldier who had a responsibility, took an oath, broke it by choosing to carry out an act of treason. No consequences there, just time in therapy for him, and a Prius for when he gets out.
Code Pink. It’s really a club people give to in order to send Medea on little jaunts around the world. To confer with Hamas, to stalk Eric Prince’s wife at her house, to pretend like she’s making a deep and significant difference. They’re a bunch of self righteous bullies with very deep pockets, and a way of beguiling their friends that what they do is actually quite charming all decked out in pink like that.
But frankly, my dears. Pink was my fucking color from day one. And I’ll be damned if I let them lay claim to my yoga-cized body fueled by daily fruit smoothies without a fucking fight.
I wonder how that god-awful shade of pink will do in Egypt?
OK, these fukin’ hippies were a throwback to the 70’s. Bitch at the cops. Questions I have:
1.) Where were the “leaders” for the MPs?
2.) Why not call up a QRF and hook up the assholes. Put them in with Manning and give scratchy blankets.
I just have to laugh at this point, since the hippies haven’t been subjected to real torture or real oppression. These morons would wet their collective diapers if they ever went through E&E or SERE training. They are all proud of themselves at how brave they are standing up to and intimidating MPs that have more discipline in their bowel movements than these morons have in their entire bodies. I wonder how they would handle it if things got really serious?
I watched the news, back when there was a protest here in town during a conference by medical research types. The usual suspects were here to protest and the news showed how the morons were marching along and then thought it would be cool to attempt to break through the police lining the march route. Well, they broke through the first line and were running screaming and smiling at their move and that’s when the camera, which was behind a police officer, was filming a young man, who was quite proud of himself for breaking the police line as he was running and smiling catch a Tonya tapper right in the mush and drop to the ground like a sack o’ taters. I was laughing so hard I almost passed out. My wife came in wondering what I was laughing so hard about and just then they replayed the segment and she dropped her glass of iced tea as she joined me in laughter. It was one of the most beautiful un-scripted things you could ever see. I told her “that’s a fine example of when keeping it real goes wrong”.
As for Susie Benjamin……well, she’s gonna be in for a rude awakening, especially when she starts demanding shit.
Can she be turned away if she tries to get back in? I mean, when the shit REALLY hits the fan she’s gonna be running around Cairo like Karen Allen in Raiders of the Lost Ark, screaming, “MARINES!!! MARINES!!!” as soon as someone so much as looks at her cross-eyed.
Dear Medea–I hear the movie on the flight out is gonna be that 70s classic, “Midnight Express.” You might wanna take notes.
I agree with these people. Eight months in Solitary Confinement is too long. He should have been shot six months ago.
Can’t Egypt just keep Medea? Please?
Bad news; looters have stolen ancient artifacts and some reports say that even mummies have been taken…good news; there’s a shit load of Code Pink hags headed to Egypt who could easily stand in for them in a pinch.
And, should Manning be sent to Gitmo, he can enjoy manlove Thursdays – on our dime!
I’ve run up against Code Pink a time or two.
They are, at best, hippie wannabes. I can understand genuine peace loving hippies, spent some time with them in the 60’s and 70’s. But this lot (with Code Pink as the prime example) are far too agenda driven.
One of my favorite beefs with this incarnation is simply this: A Sharia Law based environment would deal with most of THIS generation of ‘hippies’ rather succinctly once the camera lights fade. I don’t attribute them with anything more than being fools.
I wonder how the CodePink hags would like being stuck in an IslamoNazi country, faced with two choices.
1-Wear a burqua, and can’t go anywhere without a male relative escort
2-Be beaten by an Imam for not obeying #1
I would love to be the proverbial fly on the wall watching either of the two unfold on the CodePink asses (ugh! mind bleach!!).
did they really think they could just WALK INTO THE PRISON?
As for Code Pink I will laugh my ass off if they get such things
#12 B Woodman: their leader, Susie “Medea” Benjamin has been a go-between for Mullah Omar and the US.
She must like the fabric condom just fine.
What was the record for anybody actually watching this? Did anybody make it all the way through? I did notice the MP dog in the background. I’d like to see the dog go after them but then PETA or the ASPCA would have to step in. That would be cruel to subject the dog to biting those filthy a-holes. Too bad an MRAP didn’t have a stuck accelerator while leaving the base…
I am trying to watch this video. But DEAR GOD!!! THEY ARE SO F**ING STUPID!!! I AM SO ANGRY.
Stonewall; yeah, I didn’t make it very far. Maybe a couple of minutes.
Susie better remember that if she ends up on the wrong side in Egypt, she is on her own. No amount of bullhorn demands would save her dumb ass.