UN inspects Iranian weapons in Nigeria

| January 18, 2011

While the whole watched with wonderment at the openess displayed by Iran when they let UN officials inspect some selected nuclear facilities this weekend, Nigerian officials seized a shipment of 13 containers marked as building material which originated in Iran;

A team of U.N. weapons experts and observers examined a seized Iranian weapons shipment found at Nigeria’s biggest port, authorities said Tuesday, a step toward possible new international sanctions against Iran.

Yeah, we need some more sanctions that no one has any intention to enforce.

Let’s just name Iran a nation of concern and keep allowing them to distribute their weapons world wide. If they’ll do this with some rockets and small arms, imagine what they’ll do with nukes.

Those containers have been sitting there since October and the UN is just now sending inspectors? Good reaction time, there, UN.

Nigerian authorities said the shipment may have been destined for Nigerian politicians planning violence if they lose in upcoming April elections.

Naw, they were probably destined for some kids’ birthday parties. Why is everyone picking on poor little Iran?

Category: Terror War, United Nations

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