Does Michael Bloomberg have a brain?
I never understand what that jackass mayor of New York is saying, especially when he thinks he’s saying something important. Like today in the Huffington Post when he thinks he has a point about gun control;
…[A] new poll shows a remarkable consensus among Americans on gun issues. The poll, conducted jointly by a Democratic and Republican polling firm, was released today by the bi-partisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Among its key findings:
* Americans overwhelmingly believe the Second Amendment protects the rights of law-abding individuals to buy guns: 79% of Americans believe that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to own guns and only 17% would support a proposal to ban all handgun sales.
* Americans overwhelmingly believe that felons, drug abusers, and the mentally ill should not have access to guns and that more needs to be done to ensure that their records are in the federal background check system: 90% of Americans and 90% of gun owners support fixing gaps in government databases that are meant to prevent the mentally ill, drug abusers and others from buying guns. Likewise, 89% of Americans and 89% of gun owners support full funding of the law a unanimous Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed after the Virginia Tech massacre to put more records in the background check database.
* Americans overwhelmingly believe that its time to close the loopholes that make it possible for people to buy guns without background checks: 86% of Americans and 81% of gun owners support requiring all gun buyers to pass a background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter who they buy it from.
It turns out there is a broad consensus on guns in America. Just consider that in less than five years, Mayors Against Illegal Guns has grown to include more than 550 mayors from across the country. We have come together around a simple idea: it’s possible to respects the rights of responsible, law-abiding Americans and do more to keep guns from criminals, the mentally ill, and other dangerous people.
They needed a new poll to tell us that? I don’t think anyone in this country wants to do away with guns completely as long as those guns are in the hands of responsible sane humans. So how does this change the climate in the country?
In fact, if there was a “Bloggers Against Illegal Guns” Club, I’d probably join. But Bloomberg has proven that he’s not really for anything but the total control of everything that pinches, tickles, tastes good or leaves a mark. And that “other dangerous people” sounds a little ominous. That’s pretty subjective.
I wouldn’t trust some numbnutted goober like Bloomberg define “dangerous people” – not the same guy who thinks that transfats are so dangerous that he regulates them away instead of giving people a choice. And how has he loosened gun laws in New York City since became mayor so that his city respects “the rights of responsible, law-abiding Americans”?
In my opinion, he’s just writing to be writing something and keeping his rat-faced mug in the media so he can claim some expertise on the subject. He’s just another knee-jerk opportunist trying to get the subject of gun control back in the public forum. Good. Democrats can’t talk about gun control without screwing themselves to the wall.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
How many Mayors against illegal guns have been arrested, convicted of a Felony or resigned over allegations of misconduct?
AS he is a Jew in bed with a bunch of muslims, the answer would be a big no.
Bloomberg got a hold of a copy of the book “1984” and is now trying to create that twisted world starting with his own little kingdom of NYC. Plus I do believe that he is trying to keep his mug in the media spotlight as he will eventually try for a run at the Oval Office. He may deny it all day long but I won’t believe it until he has died of natural causes and is actually buried. And even then I’ll be skeptical that he wasn’t cryogenically frozen in the coffin to be brought back later! (Last sentence meant in a humorous tone…)
“he’s just writing to be writing something and keeping his rat-faced mug in the media so he can
claim some expertise on the subject” keep his options open for a run for POTUS. Fixed it for ya, Jonn. At least, that’s my opinion of the crap weasel.Bleg. Bloomberg is a dog turd.
Does Michael Bloomberg have a brain?
That’s a rhetorical question; right?
you have to wonder what it is about big cities that make people stick their head up their fourth point of contact. LA, San Fransisco, St. Louis, Las Vegas, all seem to have massive populations that don’t have an ounce of common sense
Doc, you left out Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, and the list goes on, and on. I think it’s the air, or the give-aways by gubmint.