NPR: Latino Community Sighs With Relief
Yeah, because they’re so persecuted every time there’s a mass murder;
I wasn’t the only person on Saturday who rushed to her Android when news came of the Tucson shooting. I wasn’t looking however to read about what had happened. My auntie had already filled me in — “Someone tried to murder una representante. People have been killed,” she’d reported. What I wanted to know was the killer’s surname.
My eyes scanned the mobile papers. I held my breath. Finally, I saw it: Jared Loughner. Not a Ramirez, Gonzalez or Garcia.
I admit sadly that it was only after I saw the shooter’s gringo surname that I was able to go on and read the rest of the news about those who lost their lives on Saturday and those who, like Rep. Giffords, were severely wounded. I admit also that I felt some small relief in knowing that at least this shooting wouldn’t be used as a reason for yet another backlash against immigrants, or at least that’s what I’m hoping. In this political climate, it’s hard to tell.
“Backlash against immigrants”, huh? I think there’s a backlash against illegal immigrants, not just plain old every day legal immigrants, bint. When an illegal immigrant kills an American, it is completely preventable by enforcing the law. That’s kind of our point.
And what the hell is a “collective sigh of brown relief”? I mean, I know what it sounds like, but that’s probably not what you meant. We’re so glad that you find some comfort in the fact that a “gringo” named Loughner killed some other gringos instead some random criminal who found his way across the border illegally.
Oh, by the way; I meant to say “chola bint” since you delight in using “gringo” on NPR.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
Racist beeyotch. Don’t call me a gringo just because of my surname.
And what the hell is a “collective sigh of brown relief”?
Ya know how in boot camp the shitters all have no doors? And nobody has time to shit during the day, so as soon as the mandatory “5 minutes after lights out” period passes, there is a mad dash to the head, and 10 stalls filled with 10 guys simultaneously pinching one off? That phenomenon is shortly followed by what some would call “a collective sigh of brown relief.”
I actually thought that the first “Whew, it-wasn’t-one-of-mine!” articles to be from a muslim.
“When I saw it was Loughner, I was relieved it wasn’t a Hussein, or an Achmed or an Muhammad.”
In any event, the article is typical of the NPR self-absorbed crap they call news.
Adirondack Patriot – you only got it half right. You should have written “self absorbed, taxpayer subsidized crap.”
These people refuse to recognize that this great country was founded by immigrants, for immigrants. They refuse to attach the word “ILLEGAL” to their rhetoric. You and I are RACISTS according to their diatribe.
Scrue them, their anchor babies, and the burro they rode in on. Metaphorically speaking of course.
Illegal is illegal is criminal; something they just can’t wrap their minds around.
Don’t they know that we know that this illegal immigration thing is all run by the mossad? Gordon Duff knows this, why don’t they?
Interesting. NPR allows an employee to use a racist term without batting an eye. I suppose we’ll be hearing the N word all throughout “All Things [Ill] Considered” next.
I wonder if she even knows she said it?
Isn’t this the type of thing Juan Williams got fired for? Only he had the good sense not to say it on NPR.
Nah, she doesn’t know she said it…she’s *smarter* than the rest of us, remember?
To be fair, I think a lot of us did the “Thank god he wasn’t really a veteran after all” dance, as we looked at our potentially narrowing job prospects.
To be fair and just a tiny bit logical, that was because the FIRST thing they reported was that he was a veteran.
What ROS said.
Yea, some wanted him to be a veteran so they could have blamed it on the war and that evil Bush. Instead, they just got stuck blaming it on the Right.
Obvously she is one of those “wise latino’s” that I have been hearing about.