Phony vet busted while panhandling at WalMart (UPDATED w/DD214)
The local American Legion and VFW in Wake Forest and Raleigh, North Carolina busted a panhandler who was pretending to be a decorated veteran;
Wake Forest police say Skellion posed as a veteran from October 2008 to February 2010 and cheated the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars out of more than $1,500.
Frank Stancil, department adjutant with the American Legion in Raleigh, said officials found out that Skellion was asking for money while dressed a soldier in front of a Wake Forest Walmart.
They say that, when Skellion applied to be a member of a VFW post in Raleigh and said he had won five of the military’s top medals, red flags went up.
Bruce Edwards, quartermaster of the VFW of North Carolina, said Edwards applied to be a member in June and presented himself as a decorated war veteran with several Silver Stars and Bronze Stars.
“It was kind of suspicious-looking, because there were so many,” Edwards said.
According to the video, Skellion has been perpetrating this fraud on the American public since he was booted from the military after basic training 25 years ago. He was also the local VFW post historian and ran an online charity.
Well, at least no one was hurt…well, besides the American Legion, the VFW, the Department of Veterans Affairs, all of his donors on line and at WalMart.
UPDATE: From TSO, here’s the DD214 the assmonkey used to perpetrate his fraud;
Sweet. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom while it was on a road trip to Afghanistan. And he was in Desert Shield/Storm a month before Hussein invaded Kuwait. What instincts! He must’ve been the only US soldier in Somalia for those dates. How brave! And look, he has the Army Airborne Jumpmaster Badge – as opposed to the Army Non-Airborne Jumpmaster Badge. 3rd award of the Southwest Asia Service Medal? How many times did we fight DS/DS? He sure liked those Unit Awards, too. No High School or GED…we don’t need no steenkin’ edjumacation.
ADDED: We were linked to the American Legion weekly online update. Welcome Legionnaires…we hope you come back often to join us.
Category: Phony soldiers
Frank Stancil is the man. Seriously a good dude.
Like I’ve said many times in the past…anybody caught pretending to be a vet like this dude did, should get a swift kick in the ass. As a civilian cop, I have run into many dirtbags over the last 30+ years who tried pretending they were a vet. I only had to ask a few simple questions to find out that they fell into 3 catagories:
1.) Had never been in the military at all
2.) Had tried to join, but did pass the test
3.) They might have made it in, but pretended to be a lot more than they were. (usually claiming they were SF, SEALS, Recon etc…and had silver stars etc…)
Wow…can’t even shop one well. He needs a few lessons from Jesse MacBeth. And seriously? He claims all that fruit salad with an RE-3 reenlistment code AND a comment of “performance and conduct” on the DD-214? I’d love to be able to look up the separation codes.
Combat Field Medic Badge 3rd Award… seriously?
“The first one was for saving a guy in my platoon… the second one was for saving a squad in my platoon… the third one was for saving my platoon… it’s a medic thing… lots of blood very messy but you should see all the oak leafs on my CFMB…”
Man I didn’t realize there was a Jumpmaster badge. I need to get that added to my ORB. I’m tired of all those Tankers telling me I’m not a Jumpmaster because I don’t have Senior Parachutist wings.
Guys….I must be stupid or old,(or both) but how does one get a DD214 and be able to add all that stuff in it? He didn’t get through basic but was able to get a blank 214?
I did get the Army Skin Diver’s Badge, 2nd award, for cleaning 2 grease traps in Basic. It’s not on my 214.
Confused in Beaufort.
Danial…that’s “Army Airborne Jumpmaster Badge W/COMBAT JUMP.” Not to be confused with Army Airborne Mustard Stain W/Ketchup Device.
Blank forms aren’t that hard to get your hands on, or even to reproduce yourself if you’re reasonably trained in MS Excel and so motivated.
Where’s his 1st Cav patch?
But was he caught wearing a 1st CAV patch, on either or both shoulders? Otherwise, you know, he’s just a wannabe wannabe…
These turkeys should be sentenced to being OPFOR for RANGER Swamp School, Jungle School, Pathfinder School, RECON School, any place that their expertise would be handy, said expertise being their ability to create a false scenario. Of course, the school candidates would know of their phony soldier backgrounds and be allowed to “follow their hearts”.
I bet these phonies would breathe a “Brown sigh of relief”> LOL
Dave, you know it would have been both, with Ranger and SF tabs to top ’em off!
#12 OT – With the tabs worn on the right shoulder, just for affect.
Why does everybody always want to be a Ranger/SF/Seal etc?
Dude I hate running. I started out in tanks as a 19E Both 60’s and 48a5s (Yeah buddy the Jurassic age of armor)
Trasnitioned to M1 IPs and M1A1s. Got out, Came back into the guard after 9/11 Went 88Mike. Did Guntrucks in Iraq for a year on ASVs ( baby tanks, cool :D)
Don’t these boobs get it that being in these hi speed units isn’t just about flashy badges and patches. They Get you up at like 3 in the morning and make you run 10 miles, then you have to swim a mile, then you have to qual expert on the range, and THEN they let you eat breakfast.
Screw that noise. 😀 I got all the respect in the world for my brothers in uniform who do that stuff, but Momma C didn’t raise no dummy.
Why walk or jump or swim into something when you can roll into it with a 20 to 60 ton vehicle packed up with inches of armor, a crapload of weapons and a cooler full of cold Gatorade and redbull?
Seriously though they are clueless. They have no idea what it takes to do that job. I have no idea. I don’t want an idea.
The only unauthorized tab i ever wore ( for one day) was one that looked exactly like an airborne tab that I bought at the Haji Mart at Biap. It said “SMARTASS”
I second that on Frank Stancil.
Like I said, most of “my guys” are twice my age and they have more esprit de corps and commitment to the community than a lot of people. It is a pleasure to be around them!
You’re preaching to the choir brother CDAT!
Hear hear! C-DAT!
When I was a child I thought as a child, and played rucks, marches, and towed howitzers.
When I was an adult (arguable) I thought as an adult, and rode to work with MLRS.
Jacobite….I’m just old and computer illiterate. Didn’t know it was that easy.
Old Tanker….yep! Without those Cav Patches he just a wannabee wannabee.
Rich C. After the war I worked in a foundry for awhile as an inspecter on turrets and gun shields for the M-60. Sorry if once you guys got it all the equipment didn’t fit inside the turret. I did make sure the armour was the right thickness where it was supposed to be. I wasn’t a very good inspector. Just once in my life I’d like to get inside a finished one…..that just didn’t come out of the mold hotter n’ hell. I bet the M-60 is a dinosour compared to the M-1.
Honor and Courage
You have to admit…the photoshops are getting better. It strikes me as very lazy though that they aren’t even better. Its not that hard to look up the regs online, download the forms via pure edge, do a quick google search for dd214’s from the era you are claiming (to get name and signature blocks)…
As for the rest, as a former combat engineer who trained to fight the red commies in a dump truck, I must say the new MRAP’s are the ****. Got blasted in one in Iraq and walked away with a few burns and brusies. The only high speed thing I ever wanted to go to was Sapper school and Mountain Warfare (it took re-enlisting after an 11 year break in service to get AMWS though).
I hope he’s tried in a Federal Court and then under Military laws, seeing he wants the rights of a Veteran. He’s a damn disgrace. A Life sentence might be fair…no parole, of course.
I’m surprised that he didn’t claim he was in more than one branch of service too!
So, I see these jerk offs all the time with signs that say something like “Homeless Viet Nam Vet”, “Homeless Gulf War Vet”, etc. I am sure that there are some that are legit, but most are not, and you know it when you talk to them, or look directly at them.
What can we do about these people if anything? Running them over will just get me in trouble, so I’m seriously looking for some good idea’s on how to combat these phony veteran panhandlers.
We have an employee that has stated he has been in the special forces as well as other branches. He did serve but not in the position he wants to portray. As stated above they need to be looked at and dealt with. I would like to see where this person served as well as the Unit he was in. Maybe it was with Frank.
Like I have always said, give these cowards a gun and parachute them into the worst USA hating people in the world. What they do to these cowards would be fitting.
This guys is a disgrace to all who have worked,and shed sweat,and fought for this country Judi said it right this jerk wad wants to be military so bad he needs to be placed in a military court and then put in a Military Prison for the rest of his life to rot and to be drilled everyday all day
these pukes make me sick,even these fakes standing by the road side,if you have served this country and did it in a Honorable fashion your benefits will take care of you,plain and simple, I have had three Major surgery’s in the past few months at the Va Hospital and have received top notch care,and it did not cost me one cent, because I paid the price in blood and sweat and ol glory knows that she won’t forget you and she will always stand behind the ones who did what they had to do to protect her! Frank Stancil should get a Medal for busting this fake !
“These turkeys should be sentenced to being OPFOR for RANGER Swamp School, Jungle School, Pathfinder School, RECON School,…”
That reminded me of something, does the Army even have a Jungle School anymore, other than the Florida phase of Ranger School? I went through JOTC in Panama in 1978, darn fun course, but since we gave the place back, I haven’t heard of a new one. Haven’t seen anyone wearing that cool pocket patch in years, either.
Someone (somewhere) once remarked that the U.S. is always ready to fight the last war again. We got lucky that Iraq II was fought in the same place, and Afghanistan is somewhat resembling of at least the same terrain (yes, I know, to a point). What if we go back to Korea, and fight in a serious mountain/winter environment again? Or another jungle war, or God forbid, even some sort of tank-heavy big divisions war somewhere? Gonna take some serious time to spin up and get ready for that, time we may not have anymore.
Wow, I am so glad I get this information from you all, so scary that there are fake DD214 forms, that is why our non profit has all veterans in need that contact us for assistance have their social workers at VA send us a fax copy of the DD214 so we don’t have to second quess and believe us, we have received calls from people claiming to be veterans and when we advise them of our requirements from VA, it’s amazing how many do not call back. I’m just not sure how he was able to solicit outside Walmart as we had to send in our non profit status before we could set up tables seeking donations at their doors. Thank you to all our Veterans, Soldiers & K-9’s both over-seas and abroad for serving our Country, you are well deserving to hold your heads up high for your contribution to our freedoms in this beloved USA.
The real damage that these assmunchers cause is the doubt in your mind every time you meet another Vet and the automatic filtering of that Veteran’s story if it involves SF, SEALS, Marine Recon etc… Since I wasn’t a ground pounder and can’t usually call them for it on the spot, I usually just listen politely and think “Oh Bullshit”. I have met real Operators, they don’t often casually mention the fact. I have always had to find out about it later in some other way.
One SF SGT Major I know is so eaten up with his own PTSD he barely talks about the Army at all and finally (sadly) had to stop riding with us (PGR) after we went to a funeral and it turned out to be someone he knew. His PTSD came back with a vengeance and, although I’ve spoken to him a few times since, I have never seen him ride with us again. We miss ya Stick.
As for the rigors of SF training, I’m with Rich (#14)… screw that noise… I’d rather sleep in a cozy little bunkie and wander up to the Mess Decks for MidRats. God Bless those that do those jobs, because they are better men than I am.
One more reason every Veteran Post should require a new certified (with seal) DD-214, DD-215 for all current members and future. Many where admitted without Discharge papers! You might be surprise how many, even officers, have doctored DD-214’s. Look for different type fonts, type size and strikeovers, etc. You might even find a Silver Star with “V” device or a Bronze Star with two “V” devices and a Cluster. Nine rows of chevrons for a veteran no one heard about. APO NY xxxxx – Saigon, Vietnam. Strange!
It is disgusting and for a true combat veteran there is no greater shame than seeing a homeless person wearing any sort of military clothing….I can tell U from personal experience that I’ve been approached by so many indigent people who start talking to me for one reason or another and mention military service and I mention my own service as a matter of fact way and they shrink right away as they know they won’t easily be able to lie to someone who knows his sh*t! It’s so sad to me that people would affiliate themselves with something they have no heart or courage to do. Even while people are dying abroad to allow their “freedom of speech” rights the ACLU claims these people are “exercizing”! It makes me sick to my stomach that these @ssclowns are seeking the Respect and Sympathy WE Combat Vets don’t even seek or ask for, from anyone….those that Know, KNOW and those that don’t, usually never mattered anyway! This is a big problem and should be punished with a swift and heavy hand in my opinion, no self-respecting Vet EVER feels comfortable receiving thanks or compliments of our service, much less boasting about it. So that will always be on our side to be able to oust these self-serving idiots….
this story is really disturbing.
Very sad. He should be made to wear a sign listing his transgressions in front of Walmart.
OK more info on fake DD-214’s, and such. It used to be my job to produce them for people separating from service, so I know a thing or two.
DD-214’s used to be printed on pre-printed Carbon paper forms that had 8 sheets, one for each copy. They “seemed” more authentic because of that, but if you knew what you were doing you could still create a false one. They are now generated by a computer program. Of course it is a “special” program which is supposed to only be available to the appropriate people. Problem is that when we were doing testing we had a guy in the office who was very good at programming, and he could re-create the same form. If someone knows where to look all of the publication that you need to read to know how to fill a DD-21
OK more info on fake DD-214’s, and such. It used to be my job to produce them for people separating from service, so I know a thing or two. DD-214’s used to be printed on pre-printed Carbon paper forms that had 8 sheets, one for each copy. They “seemed” more authentic because of that, but if you knew what you were doing you could still create a false one. They are now generated by a computer program. Of course it is a “special” program which is supposed to only be available to the appropriate people. Problem is that when we were doing testing we had a guy in the office who was very good at programming, and he could re-create the same form, but it would be very hard for the average person to do the same. If someone knows where to look all of the publications that you need to read to know how to fill a DD-214 are available, but someone would truly do have to know a lot more than you could learn in a few days to even make it look half ass good. When someone separates they receive copies 1, and 4. The other copies of the DD-214 are sent to US DVA, and State Dept of Vet Affairs, State Unemployment Offices, US Dept of Labor, etc. etc. They used to suggest taking them to your county courthouse to have them registered in case you would ever lose your copies. This was a good idea until someone (a crooked lawyer) learned about them being a public record, made copies, and stole identities. Now most counties (or parishes in LA) register them, and only release them to the Veteran, or someone who has authority to obtain them. So, If a Vet comes in with Copy 1 (short copy), and copy 8 (long copy) it is most likely legit. If they come in with a copy certified/notarized by the county clerk, or registrar it is also most likely legit. Also, you no longer receive a copy of a DD-214 every time you re-enlist. That stopped in the… Read more »
I knew a guy, in the Air Force who claimed to have been prior service Army. I think this as one day a buddy of mine told him that I was. I was a 15E (Pershing 1A)and then cross trained into 16R (Vulcan). Anyway, one day he saw me and started asking me where in Viet Nam I was stationed. Well anybody with any military sense would know that Pershing was never in Viet Nam and the Vulcan system I worked with was deployed in Germany. And I told him that. Well the next time I saw him he was wearing, on his AF blues, basic jump wings he then asked where mine were, I told him the only time I ever jumped out of a plane was when it was on the ground. Well, the next time I saw this hero he was wearing a CIB, unfortunately I did’nt look to see if there were any stars on the badge. He proceded to tell me that as I was (remember I said I wasn’t in Viet Nam) authorized to where the CIB because everybody (Army)in country was authorized to start wearing them. I then reiterated that I was not in Viet Nam but Germany, different pond. I felt bad though I always wanted to tell him that while he was serving in Nam if he ever put a bandaid on a friend, that he may have qualified for a CMB. I have friends that have served in different branches of the military and have been awarded the CIB, CMB and, of course, jump wings. Although I may jest about this idiot hero, I have NO respect for anybody that has served in any branch that feels he has to lie about his accomplishments and as far as those who have never served, and lie about having served, well I think, let them go through the qualifications that they are supposed to have gone through and see what happens, better yet let them dig the outdoor latrines and police up the brass so that real Soldiers,Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast… Read more »
How ironic. I was walking into the drugstore and noticed a guy next to me looking into the car window in the next car. We made eye contact and I asked what’s up? He holds up a non-service connected VA card up in my face and asks me if I could help a VET! I pulled out my wallet and showed him my service connected VA card and said I have been 40% disabled since I was 18, now fifty! He said he was in Saigon! I said really, what was your unit…he hesitated and said Company B nervously! I then asked the question that will help you guys that get told this lie. What is a chu hoi slip? Well I was an MP says he. What was the color of the tracers we used I say! He was silent. Excuse me I say I gotta go!
I flew search and rescue and I know what kind of plane it was, the horse power, type engine, all my buddies names, and where the hell I was and I work with a disability for 40 years in and out of pain! As long as I can I will and I would help a guy that really just can’t seem to get it together! But damed if I will help a liar! Just ask questions, have a good day!
I am 100% Disabled service connected, this guy makes me sick. Someone
should get a law passed that would give these ASSHOLES!!!! A manditory prison
sentence of at least 3 years and community service working in a Va hospital so they can see
Real heros. God bless everyone who has served. I thank you.
give these cowards a gun and parachute them into the worst USA hating people in the world.
Berkeley? What good will that do?
Perhaps the chapters in our vets organizations (American Legion, VFW, etc) should start making it SOP to have a couple of sharp, question-everything members to screen new members’s DD-214s and, if there are any…ANY questions at all, make the newbie fill out an SF-180 for the chapter to submit. Bet that would at least give the wannabees and poseurs pause before continuing to perpetuate their lies and frauds.
According to his “DD214” above, he got out on 10 May 2008 with 24 years 3 mo 13 days service. That means he enlisted on 27 Jan 1984, give or take a day.
Since his DOB is given on his DD214 as 15 Aug 1967, that means he would have been only 16 years 5 mo 13 days old when he enlisted. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
His “DD214” also says he completed SF Medic training during July, 1988 – but had the MOS for 21 yrs 1 mo. But he got out in May 2008. That’s only 19 yrs 10 mo after he’d have been awarded the MOS. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
His “DD214” also says he completed Combat Medic training in July, 1984 – but held the Combat Medic MOS for 24 years 2 mo. But he got out only 23 years 10 mo after he finished his training. Hmmmmmmmmm.
And while it’s possible he finished Combat Medic training and Airborne School during the same month, well, that also makes me say – hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Apparently this assclown couldn’t add or subtract very well, either.
Hope NPRC doesn’t charge me for the FOIA.
Well, no FOIA necessary – POWNetwork has one on him already.
Yeah, as we’d already figured out – he’s as fake as a three-dollar bill.
He’s apparently now got a record as a felon. He plead guilty to fraud, but got supervised probation – along with a compulsory mental eval.
From the records above, it also looks like this isn’t his first scrape with the law for similar activities. He apparently pulled similar stuff – and got busted for it – in 2008 (see the records of earlier convictions on the 2nd link).
And if anyone’s interested in seeing a picture of this assclown:
Given his past history, I don’t really understand why he didn’t do time for this one. But I wasn’t his judge.
If I’m reading his real record correctly, he was in boot camp all of five days before going into correctional custody. He was only joining the reserves, WTF, over? Not to mention that this was 1988, and there was no threat of him doing anything but going back home after basic and whatever other training he signed up for (a whole 24 weeks vice the 24 years he was claiming).
Kevin: I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure that the abbreviation “CCO3RDBN56thADAUSATCFB” on the last 2 lines of his Record of Assignments stands for something along the lines of “C Company, 3rd Battalion, 56th Air Defense Artillery, US Army Training Command, Fort Bliss”. From his FOIA records, I get the following:
(1) Skellion reported for ADT (Basic Training) at Fort Bliss on 4 Mar 88;
(2) he spent 4 days with the AG replacement detachment, then was transferred to Basic Training (BT) with C Co 3/56 ADA;
(3) he was pulled out of training on 5 Apr 88;
(4) he spent the next month plus in some combination of
(a) getting various evaluations (med? psyche? alcohol/drug?),
(b) awaiting recycling to a later class, or
(c) awaiting admin discharge processing; and
(5) was administratively discharged (entry level) on 10 May 88.
I could be wrong, but I think the above is pretty close to what actually happened.
I was Commander of that American Legion Post at that time, and he produced 6 DD-214’s covering a 24-year period of service from which he didn’t retire, all on the same version of the form signed by the same GS-07 and showing him assigned to the same unit for the entire period. The dates between the forms left gaps or overlapped so it was easy to know they were fake. The rest of the story is about a young kid who lied and signed up at 16, got caught and booted out, and has been living a lie ever since. He and his wife both have felony embezzlement convictions on record, here from stealing from K-Mart as a cashier while working there, and him from Wal-Mart too, during the time the forms claim he was on AD. They were running a charity called “Operation Soldier’s Care Package”, named very similar to the legitimate one out of Illinois but there is no indication any of the money went anywhere but in their own pockets, since at that time, they were getting relief money from the Legion and the VFW to help pay their rent and utilities, which served as the real basis for the fraud conviction. I have a banker’s box full of documents on the case here should he ever surface again.