Zombie’s “Word salad of hate” in Oakland

| January 13, 2011

Our buddy, Zombie, sends us the latest from his/her forays into Left Coast culture;

I just got back from a vigil held this evening in Oakland to honor the victims of the Tucson shooting. The vigil was held in front of Oakland City Hall and was advertised as being “a nonpartisan event” where we would solely “express solidarity with the victims” — which is why I choose this particular event to attend, so I wouldn’t have to endure a lot of malicious blame-mongering.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere was sullied by speaker after speaker — including Representative Barbara Lee and Oakland Mayor Jean Quan….

Go read the rest.

Category: I hate hippies

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I made it to the 1:06 mark before his baseless rhetoric incited violence on my part.

Do any of these clowns actually READ? Do they actually study up on that which they use as the platform for their vitriol?

My turn to be rhetorical, I guess.


Reading isn’t required when politics is a physical sport. And politics is a blood sport.


Nothing to say, other than PATHETIC.

The left is a mindset of hate that I will never understand.


Oh I wouldn’t say the left is a mind set of hate so much as a case of severely arrested development.

When the Roy Wilsons of this world open their mouths I can’t help but hear the petulant ranting of a 12 to 15 year old in their delivery.

AW1 Tim

Hell hath no fury like a pacifist.


When the Roy Wilsons of this world open their mouths I can’t help but hear the petulant ranting of a 12 to 15 year old in their delivery.

Exactly, Jacobite! 8)