They should have dragged him by his feet

| December 22, 2010

I just got back from spending a day with the great medical folks at Walter Reed and some parents of wounded warriors and found these pictures in my inbox (from one of my ninjas). The first thing that popped in my head is that they should have picked Matthis up by his feet and dragged him on his face to see if he’d dig that mug into the snow.

Someone told me that Matthis was wearing a VFP pin or patch, so he’s a Geezer For Sitting On Our Hands.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Shitbags

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Now THERE are pictures that will make a family proud. Way to go, Matthis. 🙁

Dave Thul

John, he’s not getting arrested. That’s just Matthis’ idea of the authorized rest position for a standard push up.


It looks like he’s wearing a pair of women’s Ugg boots, like my 15 yr old wears. Manly, that.

Southern Class

….and he considers himself a superstar.. He and anyone who supports him is a douCHE, 1st Class. I’d rather have a sister on the street corner than him for a brother. Metthis, you are a meth, er, mess.

Michael in MI

so he’s a Geezer For Sitting On Our Hands.

The people in these groups/organizations — VFP, IVAW, ANSWER, etc — are nothing but attention whores. They get nothing positive accomplished at all. They simply protest, get arrested, get mocked and that’s it. What’s the point other than whoring for attention so they can feel important?

On a serious note… what is the point of all this? What are they trying to accomplish? How are they improving the lives or others or even themselves? How does doing this improve their opportunities to improve their lives? How does having a police record work towards improving their lives?

If they really, truly want to make a difference, why don’t they actually work seriously within the system. Run for office. Become a lobbyist. Earn a degree where they can join an international group and make a difference in the world.

Why don’t these people do something actually constructive? Or are they that f-ing riTARDed that they don’t realize this kind of stuff is pointless and stupid? Or are they just lazy-asses who know this is pointless and stupid and just do it, because it requires the least amount of effort to gain the most amount of attention?

I know, I know, I shouldn’t be trying to figure out their efforts with reason and logic…


Are you sure that’s him cuz I know I saw him at the mall tonite while Christmas shopping…


If you go back to the picture of Choi being drug off facing up? Metthis is simply practicing the opposite position, maybe? Just a thought…*snort*

The Sniper

They should have dragged him by his feet, upside down. That way half of his face would have been grated off on the pavement.


Those sure do look like Ugg boots. Wonder if Methis’ latest mooch, er, gf has looked in her closet lately?
And, the officers should have lifted his lazy ass by the two links between the cuffs. He’d have been all too happy to walk.


Seeing these pics just doesn’t get old. You should make it the header. It goes well with the site name (as a bonus).

As to Metthis, if he spent more time in jail and less in front of the camera, perhaps he could sober up.


Your 15 year old daughter is tougher than Matthis. There ain’t anything manly about him.


Actually, I was thinking that if the cops are gonna carry him by the arms, they might want to shift their grip down a bit; you know, instead of the armpits, go more for the wrists.

Guarantee he wouldn’t be dragging his feet nearly as much, once he got over crying like a bitch from having his shoulders dislocated.


They’re just pissed that the election of Barry O. knocked the wind out the “anti-war movement’s” sails.

They’re standing there all alone, on the street, whining, “Guys? Where are you going, we’re…not..done…yet!”

Toothless Dawg

Naaah, Mathis wanted to be snowboarded so now he can claim he was tortured by the Man …

Junior AG

I hope the Police Officers deconned their gloves after coming in contact with Crystal Metthis…. The stuff he’s huffing is made with dangerous chemicals.


Tankerswife: They sure look like Uggs. My daughter has a pair like them too.

Old Trooper

I respectfully will disagree with Jonn and the others that think he should have been dragged off feet first. I think he should have been allowed to chain himself to the fence and have armed guards there to protect him. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to have anyone visit him, or bring him food/water/key to the locks, etc. Just leave him there for several days, under guard, just so he realizes how big of a douche nozzle he really is and how uncomfortable it is being chained to that fence 24/7. It’s not like the guards would be the ones that chained him there, he would have done that to himself.

Dårlige Nyheder Bjørne

Once again you guys are keeping this shitbird phony current by still talking about him. I know we can use the fungus analogy with Matthis – that is that if you keep something in the dark it will fester and grow and you can kill it by exposing it to the light – but with Matthis I think that its the opposite. If we ignore him, he will shrivel up and go away. He is like a sponge. He soaks up people talking about him and keeping him current – every time you talk about him it’s like dripping water on the sponge. If you ignore him, he will eventually dry up and die. I vote for a moratorium on talking about this idiot. Seriously guys, I know there are a lot more important things… It looks like desperation for a story every time he pops up again.

Can I please log on to this site without having to read about this idiot?

To Michael in MI

They do it because it requires the least amount of effort to gain the most amount of attention. Just watched the movie “Idiocracy.” You should check it out, kind of goes along with what we see here… media coverage strengthening the role of the imbecile and his lot of screeching monkeys.