Christie frees man in gun case

| December 21, 2010

I read the story a few months ago and I’ve been waiting for it to play out. Brian Aitken was arrested in Burlington, NJ for transporting handguns through the State although he was in compliance with Federal regulations regarding moving from one state to another;

Aitken claimed he was protected under a state exemption because he was moving from Mount Laurel to Hoboken at the time. A Burlington County judge refused to allow the jury to see the exemptions, claiming Aitken’s defense team did not present enough evidence during the trial to show he was moving.

Convicted in August, Aitken was pardoned yesterday by Governor Christie;

Christie signed a letter ordering Brian Aitken, a New Jersey man sentenced to seven years in jail for having weapons he legally purchased in Colorado, to be released from Mid-State Correctional Facility as soon as possible.

It’s about time there is a pro-gun advocate governor in the northeast.

Thanks to Jeff for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Old Trooper

Christie isn’t that pro-gun, but he does have some common sense and he knows this was just stupid.


I would much rather have CC in the WH then BO.



Excellent news. What happened to this guy was a blatant miscarriage of justice.

Old Trooper

#2: I would rather have Slick Willy back in the WH than Bobo!

Jaundiced View

The sentence was COMMUTED; Brian was not pardoned and the conviction thrown out. He still remains a “criminal.”

Right sentiment; wrong action.

Doc Bailey

Question: Isn’t showing an exepmption something that would show “reasonable doubt” or throw out the case entirely? Would that not mean the DA and the Judge just showed blatant misconduct? is anyone out there a law student?


At least it’s a step in the right direction. And Christie would be much preferable to BHO.


Hmmm. Slick or BO? Lesser of two evils? Yeah, for once I would pick Billy Jeff.

And good on the Governor. That was a completely unfounded charge.


While an executive pardon would clear the conviction off his record and restore any rights he lost as a result of it, he actually wants to take this case as far as he can, in particular to bring judicial censure down on the judge who refused to instruct the jury about the moving exemption, and the violation of his 2nd ammemdment rights. Being pardoned also has a stigma attached, rather than acquitted.


JTH, I hope that Mr. Aitken goes for it. The judge and prosecutor in this case appear to have committed, at the very least, a crime of omission. How is it incumbent on the defendant to “present enough evidence during the trial to show he was moving”? I thought it fell on the prosecution to prove a violation of a law. Beyond a reasonable doubt.

B Woodman

Ma? Yeah, mom, this is me, your son, Brian. Yeah, I just got out of jail, the governor commuted my jail time. Just calling to let you know that I’ll be picking up my things and moving as soon as possible. Where to? Don’t know yet, but somewhere out of state. I’ll let you know, eventually, when I get there. Don’t hold your breath waiting. Bye.