Harvard expects to bring back ROTC

| December 21, 2010

Harvard President Drew Faust says she fully expects to revive the decades-gone Reserve Officer Training Corp program to the prestigious institution now that the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy has been rescinded according to the Boston Globe;

Faust, the daughter of a decorated World War II veteran, said she expects to begin talking with military officials about bringing the program back to campus soon. Faust has repeatedly said that the “don’t ask, don’t tell’’ policy was the final barrier to reinstating the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.

“I look forward to pursuing discussions with military officials and others to achieve Harvard’s full and formal recognition of ROTC,’’ she said in a written statement. “I am very pleased that more students will now have the opportunity to serve their country.’’

A Pentagon spokeswoman said it is too early to say whether the decision could result in a ROTC unit being established on campus, but student interest and the military budget are two potential factors.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Doc Bailey

Isn’t it a law that in order to receive funds you HAVE to have an ROTC unit? If so, I expect them to return all federal funds they received since they kicked the ROTC off campus.


This is the part where we stop, look very contemplative, then slowing face them, and flip them off. Absolute BS, you had your chance Harvard, now fuck you very much.


The law is that you allow acess to recruiters. The schools deny everyone who does not meet their equal opportunity policy.


Didn’t Kerry go to Harvard? If so…please please don’t bring ROTC back to Harvard.

Doc Bailey

Sadly ROTC isn’t like boot. You can’t weed out retards. Seeing a cadet in the Mountainlair with a giant Victoria Secret bag under her arm. Or the retard sitting there watching a beerpong (they used water) competition without his top or cover. I asked nicely “if you’re going to wear the uniform wear it right” the SOB had the Gaul to turn around and yell at me.


Took the recinding of DADT to reinstate ROTC?!


The Pentagon should tell Harvard to GFY.



I like the way you think.


Now that the repeal has gone through and the military is no longer some repressive regime can we expect all schools to try to get a program so they can finally get all these evil conservatives out of leadership roles and put some proper liberal thinking leadership in there? Sorry but the whole idea of the military would drive many of the hard core liberals away just because they will be forced to follow orders.
Sounds stupid but to many of the kids I go to school with there can’t be more of a foreign concept. Have some washed up military has-been giving them orders. Yea right. Hell it’s hard enough to get them to call the professors that teach them Professor or Sir/Ma’am (Surprised that the biggest irking factor in college for me was some kid calling our department head by his first name in class.)

SSG Medzyk

What I find most curious is, these hallowed institutions seemed to not have an ROTC problem when queers were simply not allowed in any branch for any reason, and would be hastily removed and given a Dishonorable discharge when found out.

But when DADT passed and actually ALLOWED queers to quietly serve no questions asked, albeit incognito, these same “intelligence centers” decided that queers in the military are bad, and ROTC is the devil spawn of all queer hatred.

And now, with queers being allowed to be openly gay in the service, ROTC is not the bad guy anymore.

Did I miss something in my Junior College schooling process?

Michael in MI

Did I miss something in my Junior College schooling process?

Keep in mind the saying “You cannot reason someone out of something they did not first reason themselves into.” In other words, you can’t logically figure out liberals’ conclusions, since they did not come to their conclusions logically in the first place.

So, no, you didn’t miss anything. Your only problem is trying to apply logic to liberals’ illogical rationale.