Biden: tax deal with GOP was “morally troubling”
I hate when the Obama Administration muzzles Joe Biden. They should give him his own television channel where he can just chatter away for 24 hours everyday about whatever he chooses. Now THAT would be some entertaining TV. The Washington Times reports today that he called the tax deal that Obama brokered with the GOP “morally troubling”;
Mr. Biden said the president still thinks extending the George W. Bush-era rates for the country’s highest wage-earners, along with everyone else, is “morally troubling.” He said the president broke his 2008 campaign promise on the issue to help only the middle class.
“We couldn’t get it done,” he said in a pre-taped interview that aired Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “We had to make a decision.”
Mr. Biden said the president will try over the next two years to have the rates revert to Clinton-era levels.
What could possibly be “morally troubling” about people keeping their own money? I would think people could more likely find spending our money on turtle tunnels and snail research more troubling. Of course, Biden and Obama don’t find “morally troubling” the fact that they had planned on the expiration of Bush tax rates as an end run around their campaign promise to not raise taxes on the middle class.
What I find morally troubling is the fact that Obama/Biden have to keep liberals on the plantation by promising to raise tax rates down the road.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck
These assholes just don’t know where to stand. Wasn’t it mere months ago, the pied Piper told us how extending these rates would be disastrous and *now* because they still keep fucking up, has changed his tune? And maybe Joe is just stuck on stupid.
No, Joe–$300 Billion in pork on top of the tax cut extentions–THAT was morally troubling.
Jonn, I have observed this a number of times over my 50 years in existence, and it cannot be refuted. The dems are totally and utterly convinced that they never met someone else’s money that they could not spend better. The epitome of this was FDR and his 100 percent tax attempt. Read “New Deal or Raw Deal” and you will see where the dems developed much of their “take every dollar there is and then waste it on crap” strategies.
Why anyone is at all surprised that they continue to promote class warfare and bigger government is what mystifies me.
What is really despicable about this is that these ‘elected representatives’ are supposed to work for us. They are our employees. They are supposed to serve us.
So when they all get together and decide that our money belongs to them and should be spent as they choose, it is like the employees of a company telling the upper management how things in the company are going to work.
These jackasses see themselves as royalty unaccountable to anyone and entitled to their position, their power and OUR money.
Didn’t our Founding Fathers start a revolution and a new country over that despicable government attitude a little over a couple hundred years ago?
“it is like the employees of a company telling the upper management how things in the company are going to work.” Only at GM and Chrysler, for now, Michael. But, if Owebowma has his way, coming soon to small businesses and hospitals and doctor’s officers near you.
the Government thinking that it was entitled to this money in the first place is troubling. John Kerry’s borderline illegal tax evasion in morally troubling. Barny Frank as a whole is troubling. the state of the US economy after just two years of a Democrat controlled government is just plain disturbing.