“Irresponsible” tax cuts

| December 14, 2010

I just watched Mark Udall (D-UTCO) call extending the current tax rates “irresponsible spending” because of the “burden” we’re placing on our children. So now I’m wondering where he was when Congress voted themselves pay hikes, extending their staffs, rewarding themselves a rich retirement plan.

Where was he when we gave heating oil to North Korea while they developed nuclear weapons in violation of their agreement that got them the free heating oil? Where was he when we were giving money to the Taliban while they protected al Qaeda inside their borders?

Where was he when Jimmy Carter formed the Energy Department and the Education Department. Where was he when the government expanded the “commerce clause” to include health care? Why is he opposed to dismantling the Commerce Department which has duplicate agencies in almost every other Department?

It wasn’t the taxpayers who are culpable for the massive debt – it’s the fault of Congress, which has over the last sixty years intruded into every aspect of our lives…right down to the size of the seats in which we sit at the local theater and more recently, the food our kids eat at school.

The only people that tax cuts “cost” are Congressmen who buy patronage with our earnings. In the first day of Economics 101, students learn that government costs the economy. Maybe that’s the problem – too many lawyers and not enough econ students in Congress.

I’m tired of being blamed because I want to keep my own money.

Category: Congress sucks

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Yeah…I would like to keep my money too!

This Udall twit has been the same place where all the other libtards have been the past few decades: out in the desert with their heads in the sand. Damned Id-i-yots!


Careful who you point those fingers at, Mark. And yes, BOTH parties are to blame in this.


I like how he sees letting tax payers keep their own money as “spending”.


That Twit Udall is not from Utah, but CO. I had the good fortune of voting against that twit, but my mission fell short.

Old Trooper

“I’m tired of being blamed because I want to keep my own money.”

Maybe he’s one of those congresscritters that thinks it’s the gummint’s money and not yours?


@ John…better luck next time!

Seems no one in congress wants us to keep money that we have rightfully earned…sounds like the Bolshevik regime…need to start diggin dirt and hiding “my” money there…



My answer to this guy’s bullshit story would be, “Since when, asshole, does the government’s need for my money come before the will of the people and that they should be allowed to spend their money as they see fit?

The Gov’t employees should not be living any better than what they can earn as civilians on the street. *IT ain’t to outfit you yahoos with Helly Hansen jackets and enough alcohol to fill Damariscotta Lake, FFS. Get with the goddamned program, now, will you? WE’re drowning while you whine, er,wine about the current tax rates.

PS- Cut spending and it won’t cost you your job. Or are you just stuck on stupid?”

Doc Bailey

My question: If tax cuts are irresponsible what then do you call Obamacare, Cap and Trade, TARP I and II, Ethinol fuel credits etc.


I call it unread legislation meant to sink the Republic. NOTHING is more *irresponsible* than that.