An Admission….

| December 13, 2010

I am so DADT for this man.

I see this picture and I just want to attack head on at an Ion generator on Hoth just in hopes of wiping out one rebel alliance scum for my Sith Master.

Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

Do you want a room and a smoke?

AW1 Tim

You are not alone, Comrade TSO. You are not alone.

Adirondack Patriot



Teh ghey ees strong!

“That man is the DEVIL,” says da Bears fiend.

Michael in MI

Credit where credit is due… Brady and Belichick thoroughly kicked my Bears’ asses yesterday. That was BRUTAL to watch. The Bears D looked like they were informed an hour before kickoff that they had a game today and looked completely unprepared and overmatched. Just brutal.

But, at least the Packers lost. heh Now, all we have to do is beat the Vikings and have the Pats kick the crap outta the Packers and the division is ours.


Yeah, Michael, I agree. And even if you take away the BS officiating on the fumble and the multiple Bear turnovers, we still got our asses handed to us.

One other thing I’ll give Belichick – that his defense has had 19 different starters this season keeps the team motivated. The Bears ought to try new people out if the starters aren’t cutting it…especially on the Offensive line.


If I wasn’t convinced before that Lovie needs to go and we need Cowher, I am now.

AW1 Tim

Cowher would be good. So would Gruden.


What is with the cammo? Is he hiding on the sidelines?

Doc Bailey

Imperial troops have entered the base. Imperial troops hav BZZZT


Michael and B5, I think the Bears D was too caught up in their TV appearance on the pre-game show. Either that, or they sent their sisters to substitute for them yesterday.

SSG David Medzyk

Wait wait wait wait…..are you guys saying Chicago has a football team now? When did that happen?

………..heh heh heh 😉


And I thought he smelled bad on the outside.

Michael in MI

And even if you take away the BS officiating on the fumble and the multiple Bear turnovers, we still got our asses handed to us.

The fumble was the right call. Knox was on McCourty’s foot when he stripped the ball out. Granted, had they called it down by contact on the field, I doubt they would have overturned that. Just bad luck there.

But the two bad calls I remember were: (1) the first TD pass to Gronkowski was obvious PI on Gronkowski against Urlacher. He ran up field, shoved Urlacher, turned around and caught the pass for a TD. That should have been PI on Gronkowski. (2) the Cutler scramble that was called back for a Holding Penalty on one of the OL men. Replay showed the DL man stepped on our OL man’s foot and he fell backwards. Then the DL man fell on our guy. But no where in that was there a hold. The official probably just assumed there must have been since the DL man fell on the OL man.

Either way, though, those calls didn’t determine the game. The Bears D didn’t bother to show up to play beyond the 1st series of the game. After that, the Pats OL dominated. No one on D showed up… not the DL, not the LBs, not the secondary. They couldn’t get pressure, they couldn’t stop the run, they couldn’t cover. It was an all out annihilation. And an absolute embarrassment. Hopefully the Bears respond in the same way the Patriots responded after their bad loss at CLE earlier this season.