Why jihadists attack

| December 13, 2010

By now, you’ve probably already heard about the attack on a Swedish shopping center this past weekend by a British citizen/Iraqi immigrant who warned Europeans of a series of wider attacks in his minute-long rant aimed at Europeans. The media is calling it a “failed” terrorist attack, even though, unlike his American compatriots, Taimur Abdulwahab al-Abdaly was able to detonate his bombs. From his statement according to the Telegraph;

“Now the Islamic state has been created. We now exist here in Europe and in Sweden. We are a reality. I don’t want to say more about this. Our actions will speak for themselves.”

He added: “We are not a lie, or imagination. We are real.”

He also referred to the depiction of the prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog in a 2007 cartoon by a Swedish artist which enraged many Muslims.

He said: “Stop your drawings of our prophet…No more oppression against Islam or Muslims will be tolerated in any way or by any means.”

So what does the Stockholm government do, first thing out of the media gate? The wring their soft, smoth hands over fricken diversity (Washington Post link);

Sweden’s prime minister on Sunday urged the country to “stand up for tolerance” after a botched terrorist attack in central Stockholm highlighted signs of growing Islamic extremism across the usually peaceful Scandinavian region.

Yeah, that’s what we need to do, watch out for “tolerance” instead of watching out out for Islamist extremists. The clowns want to kill people because of cartoons, but let’s worry about tolerance. That’s why they’ll continue to attack the West because we’re more worried about appearances than realities.

Category: Terror War

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Doc Bailey

I once read a book called “the war after Armageddon” that was about the loss of the soul of the American man at arms. Quite an interesting book, though the ending is sadly open ended, and ambiguous at best.

In it according to the time line Jihadists blow up dirty bombs in the EU, which cause the EU to adopt a very German approach and kill em all. The point of these attacks was not to actually bring down the EU, but actually to make it impossible for Muslims and well non-Muslims (calling the EU christian is a stretch at this point).

After that (a few years after this holocaust) Dirty bombs destroy American cities the end result is that Christians become as extreme as the Jihadists, and America of all countries actually declares a crusade.

While this may seem non-related, I think it is indeed the aim of these attacks, that we be drawn into a “Holy War”. To match tactics, and methods. I’m glad that thus far we have remained above this, but if they push hard enough at the civilian population, I am afraid that they will let their fear rule them and bad things will result.

Old Trooper



I would say that Europe is already lost in this war. The most picked name for a boy in England is Mohammed. The muslim countries are expanding, while the traditional europeans are having fewer and fewer children. Just on that alone the demographics on the continent will change in there favor….


C’mon, Jonn. He’s just channeling his inner General Casey. The Euro’s, much like the U.S., will reap what they sow.