Iranian minister gives Clinton cold shoulder

| December 6, 2010

So this is what it all comes down to, huh? All of that bullshit talk about how we’ll finally get the world’s respect after eight years of Bush if only we elect the mega-brilliant Obama Administration (Foreign Policy link;

Clinton’s first attempt came just as the dinner ended. All the leaders sitting at the head table were shaking each other’s hands. Mottaki was shaking hands with Jordan’s King Abdullah II when Clinton called out to him.

“As I was leaving and they were telling me, ‘Hurry up, you have to get to the plane,’ I got up to leave and he was sitting several seats down from me and he was shaking people’s hands, and he saw me and he stopped and began to turn away,” Clinton told reporters on the plane ride home.

“And I said, ‘Hello, minister!’ And he just turned away,” said Clinton, adding that Mottaki seemed to mutter something in Farsi but was clearly trying to avoid her.

So our Secretary of State is now an eighteen-year-old drama queen yelling across the crowded room to the captain of the football team. We’ve been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Plymouth Rock just fell on us. I suffered through a hundred lame jokes about Jimmy Carter and peanuts from Germans and Panamanians. Now, it’s begun all over again.

The Obama Administration is big fucking joke. In a world that respects nothing but strength and marksmanship, we’re represented across the world by huge pussies and incompetent boobs. A lying backstabbing Secretary of State who makes up phony soldier stories (snipers and recruiters) and a half-wit boob Vice President they lock in the basement of the White House like the crazy uncle, backing up a stuck-up moron who would be a moron no matter what color his skin is.

Thanks, Democrats. Got anybody else you want to put in the White House? Oh, shit, I’d better keep my mouth shut. Alvin Greene has his sights set on the White House.

Category: Liberals suck

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Robert Chiroux

I grew up with Arabs and have a lot of respect for them. Amongst other things they respect power and the willingness to apply it, ruthlessly and effectively, and they love Chess. The fact that the leadership of Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan have more or less diplomatically checkmated our present administration in four moves goes to the apparent lack of respect shown Madame Secretary.


And, it goes to the ineptness of the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and her husband.


Hey, if Alvin wants to run, I say let him. Not like he can do any worse, right?

And the left calls conservatives stupid. Great. Now all we need is a few more YouTube clips of Obama giving “shout-outs” in his speeches and his doom will be pretty well sealed, thank GOD.

Now I see why Carter says (hopes) Obama will improve. If he doesn’t, Obama takes the title of worst American president since Buchanan, and will (finally) fade into obscurity.


Nice pun, when talking about Hillary and saying, “We’re represented across the world by huge pussies and incompetent boobs.”
However, comments about female body parts aside, as long as we insist on sending women to negotiate with men in a fundamentalist Islamic society, we’ll never get the respect and response we’d like. When we deal with foreign nations, we’ve got to wake up and realize that not all of them are as “progressive” as we are… Some are very backwards and still live in the 17th century.
Hillary should have been carrying Teddy Roosevelt’s big stick with her; THAT, Iran would understand. They’ll never listen as long as we only speak softly.

Junior AG

“as long as we insist on sending women to negotiate with men in a fundamentalist Islamic society, we’ll never get the respect and response we’d like.”

Heh-heh-heh, this quote form Robert N. Taylor drives your point home:

“The great mistake of the British Empire and the American Imperialism, and other empires before, was that they always assumed that governmental forms, cultural forms etc. were transferable to other people unrelated to them. The British did everything they could to turn their subjects into model Englishmen. What a farce. What a delusion on their behalf.
One of my favorite stories concerns Charles Darwin bringing the Terra Del Fuego native Jimmy Buttons back with him to England. They dressed him up in a suit, with stiff collar and cravat, sent him to the best universities, taught him high tea, and to act and deport himself like a Englishman. This accomplished, they allowed him to return, figuring he would be useful for their colonial ambitions there.
But Jimmy Buttons was no fool. He saw European Civilization from the inside – and it had nothing to do with him on a soul level. So when he landed back in his native land he quickly tore off all the western garments, organized a revolt and killed all the European colonists. You have to hand it to him, he remained who he was. They did not steal his soul as they did to so many other native peoples the world over.”

Multiculturalism is a crack pipe dream…

Old Trooper

I wonder if this is another benefit of Bobo’s “Smart Diplomacy”, yet again?


Let’s see, it was actually the HMS Beagle’s captain, Robert Fitz Roy, who kidnapped Orundellico, aka Jemmy Button (not Jimmy) and brought him back to London in 1830. Charles Darwin was a companion to the captain on the voyage that brought Jemmy BACK to Terra Del Fuego in 1831.
The massacre at Wulaia Bay occured in 1859, 28 yrs later, hardly on the heals of Jemmy’s return. And Jemmy himself was later aquited of the crime after being tried in Port Stanley.

Surely you could have found a better example that this?


Let’s see, it was actually the HMS Beagle’s captain, Robert Fitz Roy, who kidnapped Orundellico, aka Jemmy Button (not Jimmy) and brought him back to London in 1830. Charles Darwin was a companion to the captain on the voyage that brought Jemmy BACK to Terra Del Fuego in 1831.
The massacre at Wulaia Bay occured in 1859, 28 yrs later, hardly on the heels of Jemmy’s return. And Jemmy himself was later aquited of the crime after being tried in Port Stanley.

Surely you could have found a better example that this?






Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it wrong for her to approach him in a public forum? The Arabs will meet with female dignitaries in private, won’t they?

Junior AG


You got me on that one. I still think it’s ridiculous for us to expect they’ll ditch their societal norms & etc. because many of their elites have western educations, watch western TV & such.


I both agree and disagree with you. I do believe we are increadibly insensitive to other culture’s ways of doing things sometimes, and that we’d have far more success in some instances if we were to loosen up a bit and observe local customs and conventions more while attempting diplomacy. I don’t think we should stifle our own culture in the proccess though.
Arabs will deal with women if they have to, but you need to be sensitive to their leader’s needs to ‘save face’ with their own people. Hilarity shouldn’t be whining about the snub, it serves no purpose.


As Secretary, you would think Hillary would have understood what the reaction to her approach would be. It would appear that we LOST FACE through her actions.
While I don’t like her particularly, I always thought she was brighter than that.

Michael in MI

I do believe we are increadibly insensitive to other culture’s ways of doing things sometimes, and that we’d have far more success in some instances if we were to loosen up a bit and observe local customs and conventions more while attempting diplomacy. ========== I think that all depends on the local customs and conventions. Should America be observing subjugation of women and treating them as 2nd class citizens? It’s one thing to be polite in someone’s home, but quite another to observe customs and conventions which are completely wrong. If I were at the home of a friend or relative and I saw them verbally berating their spouse, that’s one thing. But if I saw them physically abuse their spouse, I would step in and say something. Arab and Muslim countries murder homosexuals. Are we to butt out and just observe that local custom and convention? I understand we actually force our military members to abide by local customs and conventions in Muslim countries when dealing with Muslim women. Instead of soldiers doing their jobs normally, they are not allowed to even look at a husband’s wife, let alone touch her at all. Sure, this is when we ask if female soldiers can handle the situation, and usually they are allowed, but this seems highly inefficient. I think we screwed up a LONG time ago with regards to Afghanistan and Iraq by observing their local custom and convention and allowing them to have Islamic shari’a law as part of their constitution. We did nothing of the sort after we defeated Japan in WWII. We forbid them from having Shintoism as part of their government going forward. That seems to have worked out pretty well. I don’t see how allowing Iraq and Afghanistan to go forward with Islamic shari’a law as part of their government will be a good thing. Ironically, we may have actually gone backwards. Didn’t most people say that Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi regime was “secular”? And now we’ve replaced an arguably secular regime with an Islamic regime based on Islamic Shari’a Law? I don’t see how that… Read more »

Michael in MI

“As I was leaving and they were telling me, ‘Hurry up, you have to get to the plane,’ I got up to leave and he was sitting several seats down from me and he was shaking people’s hands, and he saw me and he stopped and began to turn away,” Clinton told reporters on the plane ride home.

“And I said, ‘Hello, minister!’ And he just turned away,” said Clinton, adding that Mottaki seemed to mutter something in Farsi but was clearly trying to avoid her.

All that said, this right here is just basic riTARDedness. Or riTARDosity. Or something to do with Clinton being a TARD.

Seriously, this is just basic common politeness and decency in public, not anything to do with local customs and conventions.

Even if I were at a party for a friend, I wouldn’t shout across the room like Clinton did. I would go over to where they were and politely interrupt if necessary to inform them I was leaving. I definitely wouldn’t say “Hey, bitch, I’m outie!” (or whatever the ‘cool’ kids are saying nowadays).

Hell, I was at a funeral for a friend’s son a few weeks ago. I wanted to go up to my friend’s wife to give her a hug and condolences and just to let her know I was there to lend support, but before the funeral she was always surrounded by friends and family in different conversations. So I thought I would just wait until I either saw her after or outside or whatever. Well, each time I attempted to go over to her, she just happened to be in a different conversation with people. So I just waited until later back at the house to talk with her. I didn’t just shout across the room at the funeral home to announce my presence.

That’s just common sense, politeness and decency that I was taught as a kid by my parents. Apparently, those in the Obama Administration were never taught proper manners as children.


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