Deficit Commission recommends pay freeze for Congress

| December 1, 2010

The President’s own Deficit Commission stepped away from their draft proposal last month which recommended a pay freeze for the military and they added a proposal to freeze Congressional pay according to Stars & Stripes;

“Unlike most Americans, members of Congress benefit from an automatic salary increase every single year – deserved or not,” the report says. “Before Congress can ask the American people to sacrifice, it should lead by example. The Commission recommends an immediate three-year salary freeze for all members of Congress.”

The recommendation comes as outgoing House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, has called for a pay freeze for some troops.

I wonder if the commission reads This Ain’t Hell.

Thanks to Jeffrey Schogol for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Military issues

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Adirondack Patriot

Wow. Didn’t see that coming. Something that I agree with happening in Washington.

Great job by Jeffrey Schogol.


“…it should lead by example.”

That’s where those clowns should have started the Ball.

The Prime Directive of Leadership: Set the Frickin’ Example!!!

When I see all those ho’s in DC taking paycuts, not pay raise freezes, then I’ll know they are serious. Until then, it’s just smoke and mirrors.