Oh. Ya think?

| November 29, 2010

ROS sends us a link to an article from the Los Angeles Times that tells us that the California government has outlawed using Electronic Benefits Transfer cards (welfare debit cards) in casinos and on cruise ships outside of California;

More than $69 million meant to help the needy pay their rent and clothe their children was accessed in all 49 other states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam, according to data obtained by The Times from the California Department of Social Services.

The department instructed the vendor that administers the debit card program to make the changes Monday afternoon, in response to a report in The Times’ Monday edition.

In June, California cut off similar card usage inside their state and it just came to them to cut the cards off outside of the state.

It seems to me that they’d do a better job if they cut off all of those people who used their cards on cruises and casino from their taxpayer-funded benefits.

Category: Liberals suck

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Not that it really matters in the long run to those hell-bent to bending over for illegals. The Oakland city council has just passed and will start issuing “full service” cards to ALL, including illegal aliens, which will include EBT services that can be used at ANY ATM.

Don’t remind me why I left–I have plenty of reminders.


They obviously don’t care to fix what’s broken in the system if they’re only cutting off where these jacktards can use their cards instead of cutting benefits to those who apparently don’t really need them.

It’s time to give California to Mexico.


Come on guys, Joey is going to get his panties all in a wad, cuz you’re just targeting the poor, and trying to eliminate the “safety net”. Although it is a wondrous thing to behold someone on welfare who can afford a trip to the Virgin Islands or Guam, or afford a cruise, or a trip to the casino.

ROS is right, and let the Mexicans start by running Oakland.


No, no, no…this is being dealt with all wrong. Let those people gamble at the casinos and, when they win big, ALL the winnings go back to the state of California! It might plug their budget holes for a little while before people caught on that they wouldn’t win anything and stopped using them. THEN they can cut these tarheads off completely and permanently.


No, UpNorth, I think they should yank the benefits of those abusing the cards. As you well know, I’m all for helping people who really and truly are in need, but casinos and cruise ships! Come on. This is one of those deals where the devil is in the details, and these details are obviously all f****d up…


What details might those be, Joe? The ones where I see assholes piling on cartfuls of steak, lobster, and name-brand shit, only to pay for it with their EBT cards, wheel it out to their “dualie” trucks, then pitch the bitch about how little they get in government assistance, all the while working “off the books”, i.e., NOT paying taxes while they STILL draw unemployment?


Uh, the details about the recepients of the assistance being actual US citizens, and actually qualifying for assistance?


Newsflash, Joe–even Los Angeles County did a study where they showed about 1/3 of the workforce there is paid IN CASH. That means no taxes taken out, no UEI, no workman’s comp insurance–and you wonder why CA has the highest WC insurance rates in the nation?

While at the same time, the children of illegals (themselves both legal and illegal) were obtaining over $1 BILLION in welfare assistance alone–to say nothing of the cost of education, WIC, and other state/federal assistance.

Now let’s jump onto the LEGAL residents who game the system, shall we? 99 weeks of UEI? Why? WTF is anyone doing drawing unemployment for TWO FUCKING YEARS? McDonald’s isn’t hiring? Don’t like the job? Boo-fucking-hoo. And yes, Joe–I DO talk to folks who aren’t interested in finding a “real job” because they realize that working under the table for $10-12 an hour actually means MORE in their pocket than a “real job” making $18-20 an hour before taxes.

You know taxes, right? Those things that liberals tell us are patriotic to pay, but cheat on themselves? Like my last paycheck, where I paid 27 percent of my gross in Federal taxes, 7.65 percent in SS/FICA (plus the 7.65 percent match my employer makes), meaning before the state got hold of me, after I already had my insurance/401(k)/HCRA taken out, the federal government got over 40 percent of my check?

That by the time I got done, I took home barely 50 percent of what I earned, and even then, that money has to cover sales taxes, property taxes, tax taxes, etc?

And people wonder why we’re so fed up with the freeloader bullshit? I haven’t taken a vacation in 3 years. I pay my bills. I pay my taxes. I save. I act responsibly. But these fuckers can take fucking cruises on MY dime, and you somehow have no problem with this?

Go the fuck away, Joe–seriously. Just go away.


In addition to slinging a lot of generalities, I see you’ve got quite a persecution complex there NHS…..


Losing more than half of what you earn to ‘the masses’ doesn’t qualify as persecution Joe?

Persecution; the systematic mistreatment of an individual or group by another group.

There’s no complex involved Joe, some of us are quite simply tired of working our asses off to make an honest living, while watching others with no scrouples sit on their asses collecting benefits we’re paying for, while they eat better than our own kids do. There’s nothing ‘general’ about what Sparky is outlining.


It’s like this, Joe: I work my ass off and support my 4 children without ever having been on assistance. I earned 2 degrees so that I could have a well-paying job with benefits and provide their necessities and beyond.

Granted, I dislike immensely eating out, but when I do it MAYBE once a month compared to the constant of the same by my neighbors, I tend to become a little upset, especially when they’re bbqing in the back yard and talking about how his adult daughter (with 4 kids) bought the shrimp and steaks they’re eating with her food stamp card.

Or what about the fact that an unmarried couple with 3-4 kids is driving an Escalade and a Navigator with flat screen TV’s throughout the vehicle TO THE DHS OFFICE because they never married and only claim one income, all the while substisting on both incomes, as well as my tax money?

Sure, cutting off benefits to those who used them at casinos and the like would be logical, but there also needs to be limits and checks and balances.



Lemme show you generalities, you fuckstick. $2500 worth of “generalities” to the federal government alone in my latest biweekly check. Throw another $725 of SS/FICA on top of that.

I’ve still got the pay statement sitting on my desk. Wanna talk generalities now? I don’t make checks like that very often. Most of the time, I make much less, but the percentages don’t seem to change a whole fuckin lot, catch my drift?

We declared war with GB about 235 years ago over a THREE PERCENT TAX ON TEA. Today, that wouldn’t even cover HALF of MY “contribution” to a system which it is increasingly unlikely I’ll ever draw from, assuming I make it to retirement age. Don’t give me your shit about, “taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” I’m dealing with redistribution of wealth well before Obumbles and the rest of his money-grubbing shitstained hordes want an ever-increasing share of the fruits of my labor.

Memo to you, Joe–it’s not the government’s money. It’s MINE. What about that concept confuses you so?