Vanity Fair author beclowns himself.

| November 18, 2010

Vanity Fair’s apparently not much on research. A woman called up Glenn Beck, and according to VF, the convo went like this:

Yesterday, an Iraq veteran named Denise called in to The Glenn Beck Program to complain about the fun she had on Veterans Day. Denise, who returned from Iraq two years ago, walked with Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America (I.A.V.A.) in last Thursday’s parade in New York City and then attended a soiree at The Providence, in Midtown Manhattan, where she encountered “a spread like you wouldn’t believe.” …

But Denise found herself questioning I.A.V.A.’s motives. “Where did they get the money for all this? It was unbelievable how they treated us that day,” she said. So she took to the Internet, where she claims she found out that the I.A.V.A.—America’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization for veterans of the wars of the past decade—is supported by George Soros and “George Soros has his hand in the military,” Denise told Beck, who was only too happy for the opportunity to take a few whacks at one of his favorite punching bags.

OK, so rather than fact check the statement, he went to Paul:

I called up I.A.V.A.’s executive director and founder, Paul Rieckhoff—who served as a first lieutenant in Iraq from 2003-2004—to see if the supporters of I.A.V.A. are really as Communist as Glenn Beck says they are. “The I.A.V.A. receives no money from,” he told me. “We’re happy to take MoveOn’s money if they’ll send it, and we’re happy to take Fox News’s money if they’ll send it, too. Veterans affairs shouldn’t be a partisan issue. It’s all about Americans uniting behind our veterans.”

Now, we’ve got a subtle shifting here, neither of which exonerates the author. First off, with regard to Soros himself, guess who is a sponsor of their Gala each year?

Yep, that would be his son, who gets his money where I wonder?

Not good enough for you? OK, well, at least when I was nominally a member, IAVA sent out their emails using Democracy in Action, as I have discussed before.

And I maintained that position right up until today when I got this absolutely absurd, biased and factually inaccurate “Congressional Report Card” email. My BS detector got off to a rip roaring start when I hovered over the link and found that it went to IAVA through “Democracy in Action.” For those not aware of this craptastic organization: believes technology can be a decisive force for social change. We exist to empower those who share our values of ecological and social justice to advance the progressive agenda.

Great. So, while I paid no dues, as a Member in good standing of IAVA, I apparently support ecological and social justice initiatives in line with my progressive agenda. That sounds like me, doesn’t it?

Now, where does DIA get their money do you suppose?

Yep, Open Society and George Soros.

So, I think they are being too cute by half here. Just because Soros might not cut a direct check to them doesn’t mean he isn’t help fund them. His son gives to them, and Soros himself gives to DIA which gives reduced charges to like minded left leaning organizations.

Now, I have stopped bashing IAVA, but this Vanity Fair article using them to bash this woman, and to bash Beck is just plain innaccurate. I’m going to hold my breath now and wait for a correction. Or, more likely, my passing out.

Category: Politics

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I look forward to Paul’s next acting job. He did such great work playing an incompetent officer in The Green Zone. Almost like incompetence comes naturally to him.

Cedo Alteram

TSO, this is exactly the point Beck is making. Its subversion, he spreads his influence through third parties and organizations/foundations/Humanitarian institutions of his creation. God damn, how thick must one’s skull be to understand this?

P.S. As to the size of IAVA or other Vet entities, I’ve heard VFF(Pete Hegseth) make this claim too. I wouldn’t be surprised if VV will as well… you know them not being partisan and all. TSO since your the legion guy, I was wondering how do you(or they) even measure such a factoid with anything remotely accurate?


Lets just say I’d trust Hegseth before Dracula, I mean Soros. You’d think someone that escaped the Nazi’s and the Communists would have better sense than to go over to that type of thinking but Stockholm Syndrome must have set in early in that jackasses brain.


I would not say that he “escaped” more like thew as many people under the bus as he could. I wonder how many jewish families he ratted out during that time…oh wait its not fair to pick on him for that because he was only 13. Somehow Dr. Ruth escaped, but he couldn’t.


You people’s paranoia knows no bounds. I feel a great deal of sadness for you – all of you. I also feel really bad for you. I don’t think y’all are dumb redneck tea baggers – I actually think you’re pretty smart people. But you put that brain power to keep the fires of insanity going strong.

How about investigating the Chamber of Commerce and where they receive their money?

Dirty Al the Infidel

Yes William our paranoia knows no bounds. That still doesn’t change the facts that Progressives are out to fundimentally change this country into thier Idea of a Utopian Society. Where Social Justice reigns suppreme and where we’re all equally miserable. Yes I guess the ideas of freedom and insanity are insane to some people’s way of thinking.

Dirty Al the Infidel

I meant Freedom and liberty.


Well, Williamf75, you throw the “teabagger” word around easily, but if you assign that adjective to anyone who posts here, do you have any idea, as you don’t seem to share the views of the folks who post here, what that makes you? You be the “baggee”, douche.
And, Soros is a far bigger problem for this country than the Chamber of Commerce will ever be.


Hey William,

Why don’t you just go do some fact-checking for yourself? I’ll even give you a hint on that Chamber of Commerce…Michelle Malkin.

And, then you can carry your sorry ass someplace else, because the SITYS’s are coming and it’s really going to suck to be you. But, ga’head. Keep your head in the sand about where the Country is headed.

And, like I say…when the idiots are knocking on my door for food or shelter- You better be willing to work for it, or I will let you starve. You know why I will let you starve? Because it would appear that you would not haven’t figured out where you went wrong, and it would still suck to be you.