Can TSA get more creepy? Yes they can.

| November 18, 2010

The Transportation Safety Administration, three words that have nothing to do with TSA’s actual work, has begun to “pat down” passengers who don’t want nude photos of themselves taken for the entertainment of some invisible TSA agents in a remote booth. Their “pat down” can go inside your clothes…but you knew all of that.

So the pervs at TSA have offered to take their “pat down” on the road according to The Hill;

The head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) offered on Wednesday to have airport screeners come to Capitol Hill to give senators a pat-down so they could fully understand the mechanics of the newly deployed, controversial technique.

John Pistole told senators on the Senate Science, Commerce and Transportation Committee that he “insisted” on receiving the pat-down to “experience what that involves so that we would know before we rolled it out,” and added that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has gotten a pat-down as well.

“Honestly, any member who has not experienced that pat-down [and] who would like to do that — I would not offer it — but an experienced qualified security officer would be glad to do that,” Pistole said.

I’ll bet they’d be “glad” to do it.

On election day, 2004, I flew through Reagan National and Miami International on my way to Panama to sit out the ballot count away from television sets. Of course, I wore my “Vets4Bush” polo shirt and endured more pat downs than a stripper on Victory Drive on payday night.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Shitbags

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In the immortal words of Penn Gillette, “If you want to grab my crank, just ask me first.”


I think patting down Napolitano is punishment enough for the agents involved.

I read yesterday an article about a woman whose friend was subjected to a pat down after refusing a scan. To say that the details of it were infuriating and a violation would be an understatement.


Here’s what I honestly don’t get: Why does the TSA insist you submit to a pat down if you opt out of the full body scan machine? Why not simply allow that person to walk through the metal detector?

Okay, I know what TSA will say the reason is: if a person refuses the full body scanner (whatever it’s called) then they might/possibly/could be concealing something the metal detector won’t and thus need a physical pat down. But the reality is in airports that have people randomly selected to go through either a metal detector or a body scanner, a ton of folks are getting on aircraft without being patted down who could theoretically be concealing non metallic weapons/explosives.

Expect to see metal detectors phased out and replaced with these body scanners. When that option is taken away, and all that remains is the option of going through the body imager, getting patted down or not flying, which will you choose?


It seems there is no end to the outrageous violations of our rights committed by the TSA even though it isn’t doing a danged thing to prevent terror attacks. I’ve got very extensive coverage of what’s been going on with this stuff over at my blog if anyone is interested:

What’s sad is that I’d need a blog post twice as long as the one I linked here to be able to even scratch the surface of this atrocity, because every few minutes a new horror story comes out about what they’ve done to yet another innocent person – even as muslims seek to be exempted from all of this despite the fact that ISLAMIC TERRORISTS are the reason this is all happening in the first place!

What’s going to happen to us the first time a terrorist gets on a plane with a bomb concealed in a body cavity or surgically implanted? Will we then have to submit to cavity searches and pre-flight dissections?

What about when some nut detonates at a mall or supermarket, will we need to get Gate Raped in order to shop?

You know, there’s a line, and the TSA has not only crossed it, they’ve molested it.

SSG Medzyk

I am seriously tempted to stuff a very large, very long sausage down my pants and opt for a pat down.

“Hey homo, you playing with my meat?”

Michael in MI

I read yesterday an article about a woman whose friend was subjected to a pat down after refusing a scan. To say that the details of it were infuriating and a violation would be an understatement.

ROS, is this the one you’re talking about? The Ohio woman?

Ohio Woman With Baby Describes Sexual Assault By TSA Agent (Video)
Ohio Woman Describes Sexual Assault:

“She patted down my arms, my back, my lower back. Then she proceeded to go around my waste band with her fingers inside my waste band. She did tell me she was going to do that. After that she gave me no instruction during the pat-down. She then proceeded to touch my buttocks on both sides with the palm of her hand. She then moved around to the front. Touched the tops of my breasts and underneath my breasts. Again, she gave no instruction that she was going to do that. Then she moved to the bottom of my legs moving all the way up my inner thighs touching my private areas and again she did not tell me that she was going to touch me in any of those places.”

This reminds me of the Friends episode where Joey sends Chandler to his tailor to get fitted for pants.

Joey: “That’s how they do pants!” . . . “First they go up one side, they move it over. Then they go up the other side, they move it back, and then they do the rear.”

Chandler: [look of utter disbelief]

Joey: “What?! Ross, would you tell him, isn’t that how they do pants?”

Ross: “Yes, yes it is . . . in PRISON!”


I think the thing that bugs me the most about this is that there really is NO option to flying. We now schedule appointments (medical, business, etc.) only days away instead of weeks, and to arrive on time for those appointments, you HAVE to fly. You can’t possibly get there in that short amount of time by any other mode of transportation.
The only solution (that isn’t one right now, because I’ve never heard of it happening except in rare instances) would be to schedule flights with private pilots. Some are willing to take passengers as well as cargo to defray flight costs. The only problem with that is you get to go the scenic route while the pilot delivers his cargo.


That would be the one, Mike……and I thought of the same episode.:)

It’s unconstitutional, unbelievable, and utter horseshit. We’ve all seen the asshats who work for TSA. It isn’t a stretch of the imagination to think that they’re employing degenerates and potential sex offenders, if not convicted sex offenders.


OK, so who is the brave soul that is going to give “Big Sis” the pat down? Couple of former ladies prison inmates made good by getting a break from TSA?


Hell SSG Medzyk, try putting 2 footlong hotdogs in your jockeys and going through the body scanner. “WTF? Thats my meat, man. Don’t handle the meat, mofo.”

Dirty Al the Infidel

Hmmm…”They who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Guess who. It might help if they checked those you really NEED to be checked, instead of 3yr olds, Nuns and Old folks. Saw all this shit coming on 9/11. Our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness. Our freedom. We can’t have both Freedom and Security. One is only an illusion anyway. Just my opinion. Please don’t think I’m some sort of defeatist, just not quite sure what the happy medium is and I’m definitely not French.

Dirty Al the Infidel

The illusion of course is that of Security.


I fearlessly say that no one… NO ONE hates the TSA more than real security professionals. The Blue-shirt attitude of “We’ll make you strip if we like, and there is nothing you can do about it.” flies in the face of a few security maxims.

1. You must make the customer feel safe.
2. You must MAKE the customer safe.
3. The adversary must respect your capabilities, if fear cannot be achieved.
4. You must actively deter the adversary through various methods to make them fear capture or discovery.
5. When caught, massive penalties must be inflicted on the adversary to make it clear that there are consequences for not being on board with step 4.

Under the current Whitehouse regime, The Blueshirts pathetically strike on every single step. Even number one, which is the EASIEST. So far, the Jihadiis have achieved all but step 3… and they have partially won government fear of discovery with the help of terror-supporting wikileaks.

When the TSA risks strangling the fragile airline industry with draconian and ineffective rules, based on head-fakes of a handful of ragheads, they have not only achieved three… they have PWNED the United States of America. The most efficient terrorism of all, is not to deploy bombs to shatter civilized society… it’s making the opponent implode his own society, with only a the issue of a threat, whether real or imaginary.
