Bag of ballots “found” in CT

| November 5, 2010

Democrats in Bridgeport, CT approached Republican officials with a bag full of ballots they “found” somewhere.

“It adds to the inconsistencies from the Democratic Party in Bridgeport. It just keeps adding to it,” said [Bridgeport GOP Chairman Marc] Delmonico. “There’s nothing odd about it; there’s certainly nothing missing about it,” said Ed Maley, a representative for the Democratic Party.

Apparently, the counting of the recently discovered ballots began last night.

Category: Liberals suck

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Of course there’s nothing odd about it…..except that the Democrats are admitting it….

Old Tanker

oops, #1 was me…

Old Trooper

Of course democrats are admitting it, because in CT, they can be openly corrupt liars and still get elected. It would have surprised me if they didn’t get to include the “mystery bag” of ballots.


Do they have a system for determining the legitimacy of those ballots? The folks in the local cemetary might have decided to vote, right?

Junior AG

Did the “purple people beaters”, the Bridgeport, CT branch of SEIU, dig up this bag??

On a different note, why can’t I ever run across ppb-SEIU engaging in their thuggery? I keep a 54′ sjambok and a Russian e-tool in the back of my vehicle for such “contingencies.”


Didn’t I say something like this might happen the night of the 2nd?


Mabe I should call back home and have another bag with several hundred thousand write ins for me found as well since theres no problem with it