More anti-military crap from unions at Obama rally

| October 22, 2010

More stuff I swiped from Ace of Spades.

At Breitbart’s Big Government, Derek Broes has the story of a stagehand helping to set up for the Obama rally in Los Angeles, Duane Hammet, who got fired by the union for wearing a “Bush” hat and sweatshirt. The “Bush” in this case is the carrier USS George H. W. Bush upon which Hammet’s son is serving in the Navy these days.

The IATSE (Local 33) union fired the worker even after he explained the shirt to his bosses. The shirt didn’t explicitly support George H.W Bush but that of the aircraft carrier named after the former President and the aircraft carrier his son has served on for the past many years and is currently deployed.

I guess this shows the hyper-sensitivity the union thugs and Democrats have towards anything (by anything, I mean any-f***ing-thing) that even has the slightest reference to their empty message. Do I think the guy did it on purpose? Yep, but ya know, that’s his right. You just know that one of Obama’s handlers saw the shirt and made a stink to the union wrangler.

And if the guy did wear the shirt and hat to piss someone off, shame on the union foreman (and the Obama handler if they were the ones to bitch) for falling for it. Our side has to tolerate Code Pink and their ridiculous antics…

…but this guy loses his fricken job for wearing his son’s hat and sweatshirt?

I can’t put it better than Ace.

They just don’t like the military, do they?

They’re gonna like them a lot less in ten days.

Haven’t these numbnuts learned anything from the Williams firing? Is taking someone’s livelihood the only thing they have to control the working class? It kind of reminds me of the way they took jobs from their ideological opponents in Soviet Russia. Cowards, all of them.

Category: Liberals suck, Military issues

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I like “bush”, too!! 😀


The fringers on the left have some strange ideas about “freedom of speech.”


Cowards is right.


The only freedom of speech those folks recognize is your freedom to say what they want you to say. Even if you’re family, they’ll chop you off at the knees.

AW1 Tim

Remind me again which side is the tolerant side? Because I forget…..

Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Ret.

I knew that shit as a kid. Mom was a teacher and therefore in the NEA.


Sounds like this guy just hit the litigation lotto as well.


The fact they fired this man for wearing the symbols of his son’s military service speaks volumes of the union’s patriotism, but for what. His motive is not important, it was before the rally.

It is natural for a father to wear a cap or shirt given to him by his son, it is not natural for anyone to tell him he can’t wear it in honor of his son. The words I am thinking now can’t be printed.

Unions have gone from improving pay to destroying companies and revolutionary politics. The employee free choice act and card check are examples of the union’s desperation for members and lack of belief in our way of life. The elimination of the secret ballot to unionize or not would put intimidation into the vote . The secret ballot is essential for freedom. But not for a union shop.

Union donations go overwhelmingly to the democratic party and evidently so does their patriotism. He should, as NHSparky said, see them in court where the judges ruling is not secret.


The unions know that Obama won’t allow anything to be done about this. They didn’t give King Obama all those millions of dollars just because they thought he would make a good president.