Illegal immigrants in the election process in WA

| October 22, 2010

What has brought us to this point in our history? According to the Washington Times, illegal immigrants who aren’t ashamed to admit as much, are canvassing for votes for Democrats door-to-door in Washington State;

The 42-year-old [Maria Gianni ] is one of dozens of volunteers — many of them illegal immigrants — canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-to-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi.

Pramila Jayapal, head of OneAmerica Votes, says the campaign is about empowering immigrants who may not feel like they can contribute to a campaign because they can’t vote.

“Immigrants really do matter,” Ms. Jayapal said. “If we can’t vote ourselves, we’re gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote.”

So far the illegal immigrants going door-to-door aren’t meeting opposition.

Yeah, illegal immigrants do matter…they are emblematic of how far this country has slid off its rails as a nation that was established as the first born from laws.

While illegals are influencing the vote in Washington, the Democrats, right before the election, roll out their immigration reform bill to give Hispanic voters hope that Democrats, who have had four years in Congress to reform immigration policy, but wait until they’re hurting in the election polling to do anything.

Hey, it worked on Blacks for forty years, maybe the Democrats can get Hispanics back on their plantation.

Category: Illegal Immigrants

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Illegal immigrants injecting themselves into our elections and no one is arrested. Is that not foreign influence.

These aliens got the idea and probably some funding and support from, a wild guess, “the democratic party” and unions.

Immigration is the democratic partys dream ticket to eternal power. All they have to do is refuse to enforce our laws until there are enough aliens here to overpower the will of US citizens. Paul Harvey back in the 1970s called illegal immigration an invasion and he was right.


An illegal immigrant participating in our political process should be put on first plane available and permantly barred from US. This includes voting, canvessing, and demonstrating.


I’m confused. On one hand we seem to read of more and more raids on businesses that employ illegals and things of that nature. Yet on the other we also seem to see more news of illegals flaunting their status and acting as if they are some huge political bloc.


Nobody called ICE?

Chuck Z

**Knock Knock**
“Hola! Yo soy Diego… um, I mean, Hello. My name is Diego and I’m an illegal alien, and I want you to vote for… Sir, what are you doing?”

“This is one of John Moses Browning’s best designed pistols, the M1911. But that isn’t what is important right now. What is important is that I am making a citizen’s arrest. You have declared that you are in this country illegally, and as a good citizen, I am arresting you and calling ICE.”

“But this is a Haven city!”

“Yes, but ICE is a federal agency.”

“But, but, they will just release me anyway, so you should just let me go.”

“You’re right. They will just let you go under their catch and release policies. Get in the car.”

“This is kidnapping!”

“Um, nope. This is transporting a prisoner to law enforcement.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“Maricopa County. I’m going to introduce you to Sheriff Joe Arapio.”


B Woodman

Chuck Z —
DAMN! I LIKE that solution!