VA’s Moran: military service isn’t public service

| October 22, 2010

According to the Washington Examiner, the usually drunken brawler who Virginia’s 8th District continues to return to his Congressional seat, Jim Moran, locked in a close battle for that seat, disparaged the military service of his opponent.

Speaking to members of the Arlington County Democratic Committee on October 6th;

“What [Republicans] do is find candidates, usually stealth candidates, that haven’t been in office, haven’t served or performed in any kind of public service. My opponent is typical, frankly.”

However, Moran’s opponent happens to be Col. Patrick Murray (US Army-Ret.), who served 24 years in uniform, was deployed to four different combat zones, including Baghdad, as part of the 2007 troop surge under Gen. David Petraeus, and was even shot at by foreign combatants. If that isn’t public service, I don’t know what is.

What’s really disgusting about that? Moran claims to have endorsements from the Disabled American Veterans and Military Officers Association of America – neither organizations endorse political candidates. Of course, the district is shot-through with military voters since the district includes several military bases and the Pentagon.

So, apparently Moran will try to attract military voters with phony endorsements of their organizations, but he doesn’t think their service rises to the level of his own – Moran’s military-age life was spent on college deferments during the Vietnam War.

To answer your inevitable question; Yes, Moran was endorsed against Murray by the VFW PAC. You can endorse Murray at his website.

Category: Veterans in politics

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Old Trooper

Let’s see, disparaging someone that served their country by dodging bullets and IEDs, living in adverse conditions 10,000 miles from home at the behest of the nation, while you were dodging questions and constituents, working in an office 20 miles from home while going to cocktail parties where lapdogs tell you how great you are and lobbyists stuff gobs of cash in your pockets.

Which one is more worthy of praise????

If you ask me, I think the Colonel is nuts for wanting to lower his standards to even hang out in that town.


Compare the self service of Moran to the selfless service of Col Murray.

Moran has experience in public office otherwise known as a career politician. Being in elected office however does not always translate to public service. The founders knew career politicians would put self interests first. George Washington having served went home setting the example for others.

Col Murray committed himself to selfless service, something Moran avoided.


Moran is the problem we face in VA no common sense and a lot of lies.
Moran as a politicians seem to think that they are there to have us serve them and not the other way around.
if people would open their eyes and vote the big mouths out fo office maybe then by chance we could get an honest person to fill the office.
Morans disrespect for Military people is just the beginning of the iceberg.
he is wrapped up on himself he can not see the real issues facing VA and our troops.
You are a disgrace Moran and if you don’t like what i said so be get over it. Retired Military


Please do not confuse this Moran with the Moran from Kansas who is running for the Senate.

Michael in MI

To answer your inevitable question; Yes, Moran was endorsed against Murray by the VFW PAC. You can endorse Murray at his website.

I looked up the answer to my next inevitable question and found it: IAVA grade for Jim Moran: A-.

(At least it was in the 2008 grades.)


Moran has a lot in common with Gordon Duff. The guy blames our wars on the Jews (twice), disparages vets, yet he keeps getting reelected.

B Woodman

Is that M-o-r-A-n, or M-o-r-O-n? And which is the greater moron? The ass holding the seat, or the voters who put him in it?