It’s back….

| October 20, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Federal Appeals Court Says Military’s Gay Ban Should Stay in Place for Now

Updates as they come in.

Here ya are:

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court says the military should keep in place its “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for now.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday granted the Obama administration’s request for a temporary freeze of a California-based federal judge’s order telling the military to stop enforcing the policy.

The 1993 law says gays may serve but only if they keep secret their sexual orientation.

Government lawyers sought to suspend the ruling while appeals were pending, arguing that it would pose a major problem for the military. They said it could encourage service members to reveal their sexual orientation before the issue is fully decided.

President Obama says he supports repeal of the policy, but only after careful review and an act of Congress.

Category: Politics

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Poor Choi–can’t join up again. Dumb bastard.

Newsflash, ghey lobby–it’s not all about YOU.

A Balrog of Morgoth

No, it is all about them. Everybody else is focused on winning wars and training and silly stuff like that.


Geez, I hope poor Joey is OK. I mean, he’s so invested in this, the 9th Circus must have just broke his widdle heart. Not to mention Choi’s.


Dammit! I was hoping for more moving targets!


Watch out for the lame duck congress.


I’ve done my best to stay out of this argument, but I have to add my $0.02.

I have a brother and brother-in-law. And on my wife’s side, I have 2 sister-in-laws. I don’t have a problem with that. I just don’t need a visual. They think the reversal of DADT is the best thing since sliced bread. I’ve tried to explain to them, that DADT was what allowed gays to serve in the military. By removing it, they are now subject to UCMJ and USC codes. THEY aren’t overturned willy-nilly.


seadog, 10USC654 superceded the previous regs, and, the decision struck the laws, regs and DoD directives so it is unlikely your scenario would materialize.


And why is it we can’t seem to get through a post about DADT without a comment like #4 that insinuates shooting someone? Grow up.