My favorite Kossak
This clown, Ken Tucker, is hands down my favorite Kossak. Dude is certifiable, and absolutely certain if you don’t drink the kool aid he’s serving that you are a wretched human being. Case in point is today’s poll (the man is BIG on polls)…
In bizzarro Kos world, it is okay to pick on the old, assuming the old believe differently than you. Alzheimers is joke worthy, and if you disagree with Tucker, than you sir are not only worse than Hitler, you also hate “blacks, browns and gays!” Now how that follows is completely unknown to me, but there it is.
McCain’s huge transgression this time was failing to vote for an override of the President’s veto on the Medicare Bill. Now, in point of fact, I was tangentially involved in that debate, and was on the side that Mr. Tucker was. (Do I still hate those people even if I spoke out on your side?)
Now, as for “McShame being AWOL”, Ken, you ever been to this site?
Let me engage in a little Tuckeresque Hyperbole:
Vote 174: On the Cloture Motion: Motion to Invoke Cloture on the Motion to Proceed to Consider S. 2731; Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008, OBAMA NOT VOTING.
Senator Obama hates black people, hates gay people, loves malarial mosquitos, and wants all brown people to die. Oh, and Tubers, he hates Tubers.
Vote 172: On the Nomination: Confirmation Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, USA, to be General, OBAMA NOT VOTING
Vote 171: On the Nomination: Confirmation Gen. David H. Petraeus, USA, to be General, OBAMA NOT VOTING
By failing to stop this, OBAMA showed his support for those who murder little brown children, fire DU Rockets into the sky ruining the genome of Gaia, and continue to occupy a land that without evil US oppressors would right now be overrun with unicorns, fluffy bunnies and gum drop mountains.
Dude, relax. Take some Xanax. Seriously. The Veto override wasn’t in doubt, and there really is no need to engage in such hostility with people who just don’t espouse your world view. Learn to laugh a little.
Category: Bloggers, Liberals suck, Politics
I call them Kosmanuats, Socialist Space Cadets…
Dead people don’t laugh and all of todays democrats are dead inside. Nothing but a belly full of bitters and hate.
Jonn, thank you SO much for that site. It is fantastically organized. Wow.