Do we really have to take him back?

| July 15, 2008


US Army deserter Robert Long was deported this morning from our newest ally to the north, Canada, according to the Globe and Mail (h/t to Darcey at right-of-center Canadian blog Dust My Broom);

U.S. army deserter Robin Long was quietly deported from Canada Tuesday morning, while protesters unaware of his whereabouts picketed the Canada-U.S. border crossing south of Vancouver.

“I can confirm that the removal took place but the Privacy Act prevents any discussion of the specifics of the case,” Shakila Manzoor, a spokesperson for the Canada Border Services Agency, said today in an interview.

She declined to say at what time he was sent back, where he crossed the border or who received him.

A small group of supporters gathered early Tuesday morning at the Peace Arch border crossing, about an hour south of downtown Vancouver, for a symbolic protest against the deportation.

Weasel Zippers had the announcement from CBC that he would be deported this morning, but apparently Canadian authorities didn’t waste anytime scootin’ his moldy, chickenshit ass back across the frontier.

A Federal Court judge in Vancouver on Monday rejected Robin Long’s application for a stay of his deportation order.

The 25-year-old fled to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq. He was arrested in Nelson, B.C., last October on a Canada-wide warrant.

Long had said he tried to gain refugee status in Canada because he believes he would suffer harm if he had to return to his home country.

In her ruling, Federal Court of Canada Justice Anne Mactavish said Long did not provide clear and convincing evidence that he would suffer irreparable harm if he is returned home.

Outside the court, one of Long’s supporters said he is unaware of any other recourse for Long and that he will likely be deported on Tuesday.

I see he’s already cultivated that homeless phony vet look that seems to get the most alms outside of Union Station – he’s probably going to need another schtick to compete with other bums claiming to be veterans, though.

I applaud the Canadian judicial system for making the legal decision and not the political one instead. That’s fairly refreshing these days.

Welcome readers of McClatchy Watch.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers

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This is what a highly trained killer looks like?

Doesn’t he know that giving his boyfriend a large, bloody hickey is torture under the Geneva Accords.

(The above is proof I’m more sophisticated that everyone else. I said “Geneva Accords” instead of “Geneva Convention”. Watch, Elvis will steal that and start using it on the Borscht For Dinner lecture circuit.)

Marooned in Marin

Get a haircut, hippie!

509th Bob

And a bath!


Oh. My. Gawd. What a dirtbag. He is what we Army vets call “that 10%”.

If there was any real justice, WE would deport his ass to bumfuck Iran.


Freakin’ dreadlocked hippie, get a clue. Baarf bucket, please.

Raoul Deming

Perhaps he can sleep on the couch at the Leper Colony on Princeton, Place.


Ridiculous question, but when the military takes him into custody, will they cut that damn hair?


Answer to the question: Yes, we really have to take him back. But no, we do not have to “keep him”. Desertion, time of armed conflict? There used to be an older military tradition which ought be revived.
As the British once said “…to encourage the others.”
Bleeping waste of carbon offsets.