Gold Star Mothers honored at Bush household

| September 30, 2010

Old Trooper sent us this link to an article about a reception held at the Bush ranch in Texas to honor Gold Star mothers on National Gold Star Mothers Day last Saturday;

I was quickly taken to the Bush’s living room to have my picture taken with them. They hugged and kissed me and comforted me and thanked me for attending. I was greeted by them as if they had not seen an old friend in a long time. I felt calm and at ease. I had it together. I wasn’t about to break down. Not until he asked, tell me about your soldier.Then I lost it! Right before the picture was taken.

I found articles about ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, Florence, SC, Fort Stewart, GA, Fort Bragg, NC, Los Angeles, Michigan, Columbia, SC, Illinois, New Jersey, Utica, NY, Bakersfield, CA, Lawrence, MA, Marion, IL, and Abelene, TX.

Nothing about a ceremony at the White House…but there must’ve been something besides this proclamation, right?

ADDED: He signed that Proclamation on Friday, the day before the National Gold Star Mothers Day, which means it didn’t get published until Monday, so, basically, no one knew about it except diligent citizens who keep track of that sort of stuff. Obviously, not me, since I just found out about it today. But, I’m not “the President of all of the people”.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Support the troops

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Thanks for a great story. My great Gram was a gold-star mother and I didn’t know there was such a day.


Wait, wasn’t Meee-shelllll supposed to be focusing on veterans, their families and such? Or, was it Happy Meals? Or, was it pomegranates this week? Must be the LSM was so busy fawning over Barry’s appearance at Madison that they overlooked what must have been a huge reception in honor of Gold Star Mothers, right?

AW1 Tim

I think this story sums up succinctly the views of current leadership, and their detachment from reality in America.


Tim; it also shows that infinite amount of class on display by the former President and First Lady and the genuine, heartfelt thanks they have for our servicemembers and families.

USMC Steve

That is because like most things related to the military, it means nothing to this turdlapper. Again I must say, he is just a punk.


Can I suggest a new term, Vice “POTUS” From here on out, it’s “COTUS”. CLOWN works for me. I was trying for “COITUS”, but nothing panned out.