Glen Beck on One Nation Rally
Someone sent me this link from last night’s Beck program that highlights some of the links I mentioned in my earlier post. I didn’t watch Beck last night, thankfully it’s on YouTube.
If you want to jump through the 13 minute video and hear about the ISO (International Socialist Organization) which is taking over Iraq Veterans Against the War, through the efforts of willing dupes like Adrienne Kinne and Victor Agosto it’s at about 6:15 in the video.
Of course, Beck does a much better job of tying all of these groups together and highlights the Administration’s support for these miscreants than I could do.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
There is a good reason that the leftists hate Beck. He has a great research team and when he muckles onto a story, he doesn’t let up. Say what you will about the man, I find his investigations and explanations a refreshing bit of programming.
Like this episode, where he went to great lengths to explain to folks the difference between a fact and an opinion, and showed how those currently in leadership, and especially in the MSM go out of their way to blend opinion with fact in order to support their claims and force public opinion to trend a certain way.
As to this rally, it’s another example of leftist astroturfing, and these folks are so full of themselves that they don’t even pretend to be a grass roots effort anymore.
Ahh, but the strawberries that’s… that’s where I had them. They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with… geometric logic… that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist, and I’d have produced that key if they hadn’t of pulled the Caine out of action. I, I, I know…….
Care to debate, Joe, or just be your usual seagull self?
The ISO types are excited about this national recognition they are getting now! Woo Hoo!
But I do not buy into the Glenn Beck nonsense. He’s an actor, it’s all just an act. He was a shock-jock radio host, then he was on CNN, now this his is new role. While he does draw some real connections between these groups, he is just using it to keep people scared. This idea that they are so close to taking over is silly.
The ISO is effective at going nowhere fast. They’ve caused massive division within the anti-war movement, using it as a recruiting tool more than anything else. Maybe they are the real Feds set out to destroy the “movement”? hahaha I’m not that paranoid.
But what Beck fails to point out is that most of the groups he talks about, and specifically the ISO, really are just a bunch of sign holding, chant singing goof-balls with no real future and not real chance of getting the utopia they seek.
When asked to give real and tangible evidence that Socialism works, Victor Agosto could not deliver. Furthermore, if this groups was something to fear, as Beck lays out, they would have done something by now that would prove that. Instead, they are one of the largest factors to the anti-war movement being useless and something to point and laugh at.
Maybe you should call them and say thank you? hehehe
Casey…laugh all you want at Beck. But don’t be as deluded as the rest of the left-minded thinkers, please.
What you are missing is the people behind those little brainless, useless freaks, the bosses of said organizations appear to carry quite a bit of weight in the Pied Piper’s drive to get Utopia.
All of those who “run” the show are merely using these people to divert from what goes on behind closed doors. Start paying attention.
Please point out any fallacy of the impacts of these groups in the current administration and the direction of policy and/or the pay offs and thuggery associated therein.
If you don’t think it’s real, then we should all honestly get to the WH steps, link arms, and sing Kumbaya, hmm?
When you wake up as taxed and oppressed as the rest of us, do use this mantra: Utopia is a frame of mind-Get some.
(Copyright, DefendUSA)
“the bosses of said organizations appear to carry quite a bit of weight”. Oh, defend, you mean the Koch brothers, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch and people like that?
I sense desperation in your words, and the actions of your political brothers.
Beck is an act. When he starts crying or getting all fired up, it’s all worked out ahead of time. He is there for the same reasons you stated those far left people are, to distract others for any real truth and to get people to think a certain way. It works too, I said something negative about him and you replied in lock-step with a ready made label:
“But don’t be as deluded as the rest of the left-minded thinkers, please.”
Calling him out on what he really is doesn’t make me left or right, it makes me honest. It’s no different than Colbert. You watch him because he entertains you. If he was dry and boring, but talking about the exact same things, you would probably not tune in. Just like Steven Colbert, if he wasn’t funny no one would watch. Part of the reason people watch is because he is an entertainer first, and his theatrics attract his crowd.
The reason why I do not take the ISO seriously, the group I know the most about out of the ones he talked about, is because if they where going to do something, they would have by now. They also hate Obama, he’s not Socialist enough for them. To imply a serious connection between the two is laughable and paranoid.
Beck is just in the business of acting and making money. Which would be fine if people didn’t take him seriously. I like watching The Daily Show, that doesn’t mean I take it seriously.
“To imply a serious connection between the two (ISO and Obama) is laughable and paranoid”.
That’s what I was trying to say in post #2…..
“If he was dry and boring, but talking about the exact same things, you would probably not tune in. Just like Steven Colbert, if he wasn’t funny no one would watch. Part of the reason people watch is because he is an entertainer first, and his theatrics attract his crowd.” ========== From what I understand, Steven Colbert is an act as he pretends to be a liberal’s version of the ‘stereotypical conservative’. His character is meant to mock conservatives and play to the liberal stereotype of a conservative as a bigot, racist, hick, ‘homophobe’. Beck is nothing like Colbert. Beck simply researches information and then presents it in an entertaining manner. And he presents it in the entertaining manner for the exact reason you state: because politics is boring and if he doesn’t make it entertaining, people wouldn’t tune in to find out about the important information he has to present. Beck is not like the Daily Show or the rest of the MF-ing media. The Daily Show simply carries the water for Democrats, mocks Republicans and conservatives and is basically a propaganda outlet for the White House, Democrats and liberals. Stewart and Colbert don’t research anything to bring news and information to their viewers. They simply find headlines and make snide and mocking comments about the headlines. It’s style without substance. Beck, on the other hand, researches everything he presents. He takes substance and presents it to the public in his own style. He is substance and style. Personally, I don’t like his style, so I don’t watch/listen to his shows. But I am glad he is out there on our side exposing the Left. He is reaching millions of people who find his style to their liking, who may not have otherwise paid any attention to politics. Some people like Rush, some Hannity, some Levin, some Ingraham, some Hewitt and some Beck. Each person presents substance with their own style. They are not entertainers, they are political commentators who present politics in an entertaining manner. The Daily Show is nothing of the sort. They are entertainers who look… Read more »
“The reason why I do not take the ISO seriously,…”
The reason we are in this mess is because almost everyone prior to 2008 — especially conservatives and those right-of-center politically — refused to take the Left seriously. They didn’t take ACORN seriously, CODE PINK, International ANSWER, George Soros, union thuggery, New Black Panthers, NAACP, La Raza, Bill Ayers, Cloward-Piven, Saul Alinsky, etc etc etc. Every time one of these things was brought up — along with all the Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Racists, domestic terrorists and America-hating anti-Capitalists in Obama’s background and inner circle — we were mocked “oh please, I don’t take ____ seriously. A serious connection between ___ and Obama/Democrats is laughable”.
Riiiiiight. And look where it got us. A radical Marxist in the White House with every part of his Administration and Czars being radicals of one anti-American stripe or another and a Senate and House full of radicals as well. All working together to send this country on a massive downward spiral.
But yeah, let’s just continue not taking any of this seriously. Whether we take them seriously or not, they are succeeding in destroying this country from within.
More on the ISO.
Thanks M in M, your #10 beat me to the punch.
And you’re #11 is smokin’. Well said.
Obama is radical Marxists? That one made me almost fall out of my chair laughing. I don’t like the guy, not at all, but a statement like that should be followed up with: “…and I’m also selling these tinfoil hats.” It’s difficult to have a debate with someone who spews junk like that, but here goes… You missed the point of my Colbert / Beck comparison. It was not a direct one, but rather one using two extremes to illustrate a point. The point being Beck IS an entertainer, not a political commentator. You’ve bought into all these new terms and definition of what news is. There are reporters, and everyone else is just side-show decoration. Oh, and if people are going to call themselves Conservative and talk about they are truly the ones who want to do things like to the fight to our enemies in other countries, then you have to stop playing victim and going on about the “Liberal Media!” Really, everytime I hear that crap it reminds me of the crying the anti-war folks do when they play victim. The media is a business and they are out there to make money. They sit on and cover so much stuff up for anyone who happens to be in power at the time that it’s a damn joke. Before Obama was in office, this country was shinning example of a free nation, a utopia in fact. We had plenty of money and no debt. Oh wait, didn’t that last guy blow through money too? Yeah, didn’t he spend money and line the pockets of his friends which flew in the face of Conservative financial practices? Yup! Sure did. Obama has spent way too much money, no doubt, but if you think Bush would not have bailed out all these big-wigs then are just lying to yourself. These radio and TV entertainers, be in Beck or Olberman have got people believing all kinds of crap. Obama and Bush are two of the same kind, not giving a damn about people, just their buddies in power. Now if you’ll… Read more »
You missed the point of my Colbert / Beck comparison. It was not a direct one, but rather one using two extremes to illustrate a point. The point being Beck IS an entertainer, not a political commentator. You’ve bought into all these new terms and definition of what news is. There are reporters, and everyone else is just side-show decoration.
I’m afraid you are the one confusing things. Beck IS a political commentator, maybe not a reporter in the classical sense but certainly a commentator. Colbert makes shit up to be funny, nothing wrong with that, but point out where any of Becks facts are completely fabricated?
Michael in MI is right
Beck is nothing like Colbert. Beck simply researches information and then presents it in an entertaining manner
Colbert makes it up to be entertaining
I’m also with Michael in that I don’t particularly care for Beck’s style and rarely watch him but if people like him and he’s not lying to them, WTF?
I’ve seen your films, Casey.
You are in no position to define and differentiate between entertainment and reporting.
ROS, I’m a filmmaker, not a reporter. Learn the difference.
Old Tanker, it’s not a matter of out-right lies but rather taking things way out of context to form a completely different view of events, people, or groups altogether.
Let’s use the anti-war movement as an example…
Collateral Murder is a movie they salivate over. Yet the editing, re-arranging of facts, and the over editorializing of it is unethical in my opinion as a filmmaker. But when I brought it up to people who think it’s so honest to watch the unedited gun camera footage, the balked and said they didn’t need too. They knew what the truth was. It was made to play to a certain crowd, that crowd not being interested in the truth but only want to hear what they want to hear.
Now, lets jump to the Beck crowd. Does he outright lie? No, but like an editor, he carefully edits a topic to radically alter the view point and in effect, create a dishonest view of events. I see this everywhere. A radio show host will play a soundbite over and over again, without giving you context of the speech it was taken from by letting you hear more of it, and then fills in what should be that context with his own view points. Then the crowd they are playing to eats it up.
So by using these tactics, he is not a political commentator, but an entertainer, using editorial tactics to be disingenuous.
Now, lets jump to the Beck crowd. Does he outright lie? No, but like an editor, he carefully edits a topic to radically alter the view point and in effect, create a dishonest view of events. I see this everywhere.
Good, then you will have no problem giving us some examples of the specific issues and stories where Beck has done this. Time to back up your generalizations of what you accuse Beck of doing with actual examples.
What did Beck do in the case of Shirley Sherrod? When some on the conservative side took her speech to the NAACP out of context (Breitbart) Beck was putting it in context and defending her. I’m not trying to make anyone a Beck fan but aren’t you engaging in your own “collateral murder” moment when you’re opinion of the ISO differs from Beck’s? Let’s say you’re right in this instance, does that automatically make anything else Beck has reported on biased? That makes him an “entertainer” (which is really to be read, not to be taken seriously)
OT, how am I misleading people by not sharing the same view of the ISO as Beck? Even the link that M in M provided really didn’t say anything I didn’t already know and still showed no solid proof we should be afraid of them. I’m going to take a wild guess you two are not fans of the anti-war movement. The ISO has caused so much division and pushed people out who wouldn’t toe-the-line that they are one of the chief proponents of the anti-war movement going nowhere. With their members in every corner of the “movement” they’ve been able to run it straight into the ground. Also, after being up and running since the 70’s, what have they done that I should be so worried about?
OT, of course Glenn Beck is biased. I mean, really, is that even in question? Is Keith Olberman biased? Of course he is. These people are all just playing to their respective crowd. Just because one person tells you what you want to hear doesn’t make it the truth. Even though yes, I understand you do not view Beck’s show.
That is exactly the point, Casey.
Learn to comprehend.
OT, how am I misleading people by not sharing the same view of the ISO as Beck
You’re making the point that HE misleads people by not sharing your view of ISO and then taking out to say he always does this. As far as the ISO is concerned, I am sure I know less that either you or Glen Beck so I can’t comment directly on this report.
OT, of course Glenn Beck is biased. I mean, really, is that even in question?
Not really in question, no, but is he always?. I provided you an example of where he clearly put things in context and without bias. In my comment above (19), I didn’t intend to imply Beck wasn’t biased, I probably should have said “everything” in place of “anything” I think any reporter/editorialist/and even filmaker has some bias, they would either be inhuman or completely clueless if they didn’t…
Your willful blindness is going to bite you in the ass.
Once again, if you believe Beck is merely an actor, surely he has lied and presented information that must be false- because by that standard, Casey, you have labeled him. You have essentially said that because he is an actor, he cannot possibly be telling the truth, that it is merely lying to make money.
I ask you again, provide me with the evidence that he has filtered out any information, lied or otherwise and post it,here.
An opinion is different from the facts. Go get some, please. You are deluding yourself that the people behind many of these socialist organizations have no power and have not impacted us already.
Y’know, Reagan was an actor. The only thing he was wrong on was amnesty.
Thank you ROS, an awesome point! 🙂
“ROS, I’m a filmmaker, not a reporter. Learn the difference.”
Ok, so a short class on this might be in order.
The primary film genres are:
The Action film
The Adventure film
The Comedy
The Crime film
The Drama
The Epic/Historical
The Horror film
The Musical
The Sci Fi
The War
The Westerns
Each of these genres may borrow from each other yet maintain their independent flavor, or they may be broken down into literally hundreds of sub categories.
I assume that as a ‘filmmaker’ you consider yourself a ‘documentarian’ Casey? If not, then what? And if so, what kind?
You see, calling yourself a ‘filmmaker’ is misleading all by its self, the statement is ambiguous. You’re using the pre-conceived notions of an uneducated audience to create a perception of gravitas and inherent competence.
What’s funny though, is that by telling us you’re a filmmaker and not a reporter, you’re telling us to not take you seriously. According to your own arguments against the likes of Beck et al, you yourself are less than a reporter and therefore your work, and opinion, are simply for entertainment and should not be trusted to contain anything of value. Interesting.
OT, of course Glenn Beck is biased. I mean, really, is that even in question? Is Keith Olberman biased? Of course he is. These people are all just playing to their respective crowd. Just because one person tells you what you want to hear doesn’t make it the truth. Even though yes, I understand you do not view Beck’s show.
Do I need to type in all caps for you to actually answer my question? I’ll say it again: PROVIDE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES.
First you say “Does he outright lie? No, but like an editor, he carefully edits a topic to radically alter the view point and in effect, create a dishonest view of events. I see this everywhere.”
Now you say “Of course Glenn Beck is biased. I mean, really, is that even in question? … These people are all just playing to their respective crowd. Just because one person tells you what you want to hear doesn’t make it the truth.”
If it’s so gawddamned OBVIOUS, then you must have plenty of examples of Beck’s bias on specific issues and his editing to radically alter viewpoints and create dishonest views of events. If you don’t, then kindly take your talking points about Beck and shove ’em up your ass. I’m sick of people like you who spread this bullshit and have nothing with which to back it up.
If you don’t like Beck or his style, that’s fine. But don’t make shit up. Man up and provide examples or shut the fuck up.
It’s fun to come here and disagree then get dog-piled. It keeps things interesting. Yes, I have been up this point been primarily a doc filmmaker. While I’ve done a lot of other work and continue to do so I do not want to make docs forever. While my work has been seen by a lot of people around the World, one of the reasons I do not have the numbers of Collateral Murder is because I do not lie, or tabloid edit my films. I knew that this would lead to less views but my integrity would still be intact. Plus what Beck does and what I do are two very different things. It’s sort of like comparing a boat to a Muscle car. Love my films or hate them, you don’t see me making up wild stories or bashing Soldiers. But Glenn Beck is laughable with his theatrics. When he’s yelling, or crying, it’s all a staged event. When he is going on and they change what camera he’s looking into, it’s all planned out and structured in advanced. If he turns from camera 1 to camera 2, it’s planned. The command from the Director is “Ready 2. Take 2.” It all has to be planned out. The proof you seek can be seen in the above clip. Most people hate those groups once they hear “Socialism” and “Communism”. Now he has to do a truckload of editorializing to cram it all in to the short amount of time. Plus, if they are not a Socialism group, but against something like, lets say the wars, he can draw the thinnest of connections to paint them with that brush. No one is really going to examine what he says in the above clip. Do I know everything about the groups he talked about? No, or course not. Neither do you. Beck and others like him both on the left and the right exists to make up your mind for you. No, as far as the ISO goes, I know enough about them to know they are not a threat… Read more »
Hahahaha Michael in Mi, I’m not going to give you credence when say stupid shit like Obama is a Marxist and tell me to shut the fuck up.
Yes, the debate is fun, and revealing…. 🙂
Let me summarize:
Glenn Beck does a report on the ISO and connects some dots.
You disagree with his assesment, to prove your point you ridicule Beck because you don’t like the delivery.
You claim he’s misleading people because his view of the ISO is not your view of the ISO and you of course aren’t misleading people because you never even stated any facts to back up your assertion.
You then go after the messenger again by ridiculing his delivery and say “trust me, I know the ISO”
Have I got that about right?
And you wonder why some people have lost patience with you while watching your argument chase its’ own tail…
Ok, you got me. I’m an undercover agent for the ISO and I hate you all! haha Don’t get mad, I’m just joking around.
Well, considering I’ve worked directly with the ISO in the past, yeah, I have a much better basis than he does. It was explained better in my resignation letter from IVAW.
I think he’s misleading people for many reasons. But Beck is doing what most people would do: Making money. I’m not against that or anything, but he is not striving to be unbiased. But the fault really is of the people who blindly buy into everything he says. Same goes for someone who would blindly follow Olberman or Maddow.
OT, the difference is me and you are not telling each other to shut the fuck up.
I’ve got to get back to the work at hand. While this is fun and all, I do have more pressing matters. Take care everyone.
Until next time.
I’m not going to give you credence when say stupid shit like Obama is a Marxist and tell me to shut the fuck up.
Where did I ask you to give me credence? I asked you to back up your own assertions and give me some specific examples. You have failed to do so. Therefore, you’ve just allowed everyone here to not give you credence.
The irony is that I don’t even like Beck. Yet here I am defending him against slander from someone who cannot provide even one example to back up his assertions about Beck. Sad.
And if you think stating that Obama is a Marxist is “stupid shit”, then you obviously haven’t researched Obama’s background and history, his associations nor have you been paying attention to what he has said and done the last few years as Senator and President.
The ISO is only a threat to my sanity.
Casey, can you tell me what it says so I don’t have to watch Glen Beck and punch a hole through my computer?
Clearly Beck should adopt a newer and edgy persona…go full douchebag like Colbert…then all the hipsters will dig him and maybe he’ll get invited to do an episode of Family Guy. Yeah…that would be effin’ cool.
Thank you for the lesson, Jacobite.
I still hate it when you agree with me. 😀
And I’m still waiting for Casey’s argument to be substantiated.