VoteVets/Sestak stoop to dirty politics

| September 29, 2010

Joe Sestak must be hurting in the polls (I don’t believe in polls, so I don’t know) because he’s called out the scum sucking bottom-feeders of Vote Vets to do his dirty work. This is Jon Soltz’ idea of a good plan;

As they go door-to-door, the veterans and military family members will leave behind blistering door hanger lit pieces, featuring pictures of Sestak’s challenger, Pat Toomey, and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad side by side, and one that asks whether Pat Toomey puts Wall Street above our troops.

What the Hell does Ahmadinejad have to do with Wall Street? and what the Hell does Pat Toomey have to do with Ahmadinejad? And if Ahmadinejad is such a big threat (and he is) why isn’t VoteVets lobbying for the destruction of Iran’s war-making capability?

Imagine the national reaction to a Republican running the same type of ad with his Democrat opponent’s image next to that of bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, or Ay-hab Ay-rab. I don’t need to describe the resulting indignant posturing because VoteVets already showed us when Democrat Max Cleland complained to VoteVets about the ad that Saxby Chandliss ran against him;

The ad has a tiny picture of bin Laden amongst others and Cleland’s picture doesn’t even appear at the same time. dicksmith wrote during the 2008 election;

If you don’t know Max Cleland’s story, you probably think the disgusting part of that ad is equating the then-incumbent Senator with Osama bin Laden.But that is small potatoes compared to what is really going on here.

I’m not a guy who is quick to anger. However, for the last six years the name Saxby Chambliss has caused my blood to boil because this is the worthless excuse for a human being that accused Max Cleland, who lost three limbs leading troops on the battlefield in Vietnam, of not having the courage to lead.

Not only did Chickenhawk Saxby disrespect and disregard Max Cleland’s sacrifice

It was a horrible thing when Republicans showed a picture of bin Laden in an ad that had to do with Max Cleland (who blew himself up with an errant grenade) but this VoteVets thing puts the Republican right in the same picture as Ahmadinejad.

But we’re talking about the tiny tots at Vote Vets who think they’re being cute. I hope this stomps Sestak the last few inches that Toomey needs. i don’t know a thing about Toomey, but this dirty trick shit always backfires and I hope Soltz gets shit all over him.

Category: Politics

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And this type of ad is surprising to who?

The Sniper


AW1 Tim

I don’t know about PA, but where I live, it is illegal to go door-to-door hanging these things on doorknobs or mailboxes, or even with polls and surveys without having a Hawker’s and Pedalars license.

Same with putting flyers under car windshield wipers. I was VERY happy to see that law go into force here, as it stopped a lot of unwanted paper.

USMC Steve

The FACTS about Cleland are these: He was a REMF in Vietnam who went out to a forward base to visit some of his buddies. When he got off the helo, he spotted a grenade, and thinking someone had dropped it, went to pick it up. when he did, it went off so basically he fragged himself. He is no hero, but the asshole sure claims he is. Anytime I see him I look to see what if any medals he is wearing so I can check to see which ones he does not rate. He ain’t nothing. And Cleland himself at one time admitted this is what actually happened.


And yet nobody has bothered to ask Sestak or his “supporters” why he got shitcanned by Admiral Mullen literally ONE DAY after Admiral Clark retired and stepped down as CNO. The official reason given was “poor command climate”, which is a nice way of saying you were a prick basically because you could.

Apparently Sestak hasn’t learned his lesson, with his staff having one of the highest turnover rates on the Hill and his minions routinely working 7 days a week.


Well, at least they stopped calling him Vice Admiral, even if it’s now just ‘admiral’.

Cedo Alteram

Come’on its VotVets logic need nor apply.

That aside, the Weekly Standard(I think I saw there) has an article about Patrick Murphy, of Bucks county. This is the guy who’s been pushing DADT, cap and trade, and the rest of the Obama agenda, he won in 06′ by 1,500 votes. Well it seems that Fitz-something, the Congressman he defeated, is challenging him and is ahead. MOOHAHA