Name that occupation

| July 15, 2008

The man featured here is standing in such a manner in furtherence of his occupation. 


 Is he:

 a) Deuce Bigelow, Male Gigolo

b) The new banana in the Fruit of the Loom advertisements

c) Meteorologist making a point about the rising dew point

d) Attorney for Gitmo prisoners, about to show us the meaning of the phrase “to go commando.”

All I know is that this never once came up in Evidence, Civil Procedure, Torts or Contracts.  I may have been drunk in most those classes, but I am sure that dropping trou (a latin term I believe) never once came up.

H/t to Weasel Zippers.  (Sorry to steal it, but good god I needed something to post.)

Category: Politics

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509th Bob

GITMO terrorist defense attorney! He was sooo heart-broken after his failure to successfully audition to become a Chippendales dancer that he went to law school.

At GITMO, he practices this maneuver frequently with his, er, clients. In fact, I think his name is “Reams,” but I could be mistaken on the spelling. His clients are reported to be the most contented of all the GITMO detainees.

The AP photographers who thrust dollar bills into his, er, legal briefs could not be reached for comment. In fact, after Reams’ demonstration, most people wanted to stay far, far out of contact with the AP photographers!

Raoul Deming