Hartford City Council meetings to open with Muslim prayers
I’d file this under “something that has nothing to do with anything”; the Hartford Connecticut City Council has decided that the way to beat the people who oppose the Islamic Center near Ground Zero is to begin each meeting with a Muslim prayer. (MSNBC link)
“One of the goals of the Council is to give a voice to the many diverse peoples of the City, which is especially important given the recent anti-Islam events throughout the country.”
That’s pretty stupid, if you ask me. Since when is the purpose of government to “give a voice to…diverse people”? I really don’t care if it’s a Muslim prayer or a Buddhist chant…but don’t cloak your purpose in language to make you seem more tolerant and intelligent than the rest of us.
[City Councilman Luis ] Cotto said that his goal in having an Islamic prayer was to speak out against what he called “the current wave of Islamophobia” in this country.
Oh, that film student who attacked a cab driver in NYC? How is that a “wave”, Lou?
It wouldn’t even matter except that they’ve probably never opened a city council meeting with a Christian prayer and never will, since Christians don’t fit in their mold of “diverse peoples”. The article doesn’t mention whether they have opened any of their meetings with Christian prayers. I’m just taking a shot in the dark here.
Oh! My mistake – according to the Courant, they plan to have a saxophonist play “Amazing Grace” Well, that’s different :eyeroll:
The Hartford City Council is a bunch of kiss-ass liberals who are only doing this so they get bombed last.
Thanks to Old Trooper for the link.
Category: Liberals suck
More useful idiots helping our enemies to gain a further foothold in their war on freedom and liberty.
I live in CT, one of the bluest of blue states, and nothing this state does surprises me. The Legislature has been controlled by Democrats for ages and our Republican governor goes along to get along. I still have hope Blumenthal will be defeated in his bid for Dodd’s Senate seat only because I believe in miracles. With all of Hartford’s problems this is what they are concerned about, the city council is pathetic.
After the Prop 8 vote in Cowleefornyah, there was a lot of backlash against Mormons (*actual* backlash — putting the names and addresses of Prop8 supporters online and encouraging people to harass them, disrupting Mormon services, etc — not imaginary backlash claimed against Muslims). I do not recall anyone in government working to create solidarity with Mormons or talking about the need to beat back ‘Mormonophobia’.
Blasphemy! In order to show solidarity with both Muslims and Mormons, I offered to take a couple more wives. Wife #1 wasn’t thrilled with the idea though.
Councilman Cotto-Salami can also have sex with a goat to open Hartford City Hall meetings…the City Manager can hold it’s head for him.
Or with a young, adolescent boy…his choice.
I mean, they are ME/Islamic traditions…bestiality/homosexual pedophilia…they make about as much sense as opening with an Islamic prayer in order to show solidarity and support diversity, right?
Why stop there? Why not make any women in attendence come into the building through a side / back entrance (wearing head scarves), put them behind a screen in the main council chamber, and make sure none of them says anything during the session?
Oh…and when they pray, they’ll have to face Mecca. Of course.
There is some merit to the idea of trying to be the last one bombed, it gives you more time to stock the bunker and set the trip wires…. 😉
Jonn, Don Surber has THE perspective on this story:
Seeing all those politicians bent over will be worth the price of admission.
I assume the ACLU will be hitting them with a seperation of church and state lawsuit.
For all the crying from Islamic rights groups and Muslims in the U.S. at how they are undergoing such incredible “persecution,” IMO no group has ever had it so good in times of social turmoil.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying people of Middle Eastern or Muslim background haven’t been victims of hate in the U.S. But for what other group in history has everyone from the commander in chief all the way down to average joe politician (and every celebrity inbetween) has chimed in about being tolerant of Middle Easterners and Muslims? How many times have we heard that we are supposed to differentiate between radical islamists and regular practitioners? How many times have people spoken out against not hating them.
Has any other group in American history ever been recorded such considerations (especially certain racial/ethnic groups during WW2)?
There’s already a memorial for a terrorist in Hartford, CT.
(at Freeman and Maple streets)
Actually, 12 terrorists if you count all the names.
There’s already a memorial for a terrorist in Hartford, CT.
(at Freeman and Maple streets)
Actually, 12 terrorists if you count all the names.
Sorry, I posted twice. Please remove #11
Check the bank accounts of the individual council members. They are either on the take or just plain nuts. Either way they need to be locked up because they are a danger to the community.
Hey, let’s beat women for being un-burqahed, blame jews for everything and call America “the great Satan,” maybe the muslims will like us and we’ll be popular then! (Liberals never get out of Junior High.)