Obama the Rock Star again

| July 9, 2008

Cousin Scott alerts me that he saw Obama on the cover of the Rolling Stone (apologies to Doctor Hook) this month so I went and found the cover;


Not surprisingly, I discover that he’s been on the cover of the Rolling Stone (apologies to Doctor Hook) back in March, too. The covers for this year;


I wonder who the editors of The Rolling Stone will be voting for in November.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media

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Just wait until Bush, serving in his third term, uses the new FISA bill to grab the susbcriber lists of Rolling Stone and puts all those people in a Gulag.

(Sorry, channelling Rooney)


hahahahaha,TSO. That is a riot!!!

richard wheeler

Jann Wenner is editor and founder of R.S. since 1967.He’s backed numerous Dems.but Obama first he’s backed during primary.Obama proud to have strong backing of rock icons Bob Dylan and The Boss.I know you guys(Jonn,TSO,COB6?)aren’t so straight that there’s no rock and roll in your Repub.souls.Comeon.


Dude, I followed the dead, and now listen to unrepenatent liberal socialists Floggin Molly and Dropkick Murphys. I can love their music and realize they have no f’n clue at the same time. Hell, I actually had an NRA membership booth at a Dead Show one time at Rich stadium.*

* I believe it was July 6, 1989 but I may be off on year. Either way, I leaped a fence and almost lost my “boys” on that fence in my rush to get to the front row.

richard wheeler

TSO Long live Rock and Roll,The Dead,and The U.S.A.


As I’ve said for a long time, as a bitter Rush fan (the band, not the talk show host), Rolling Stone is clueless.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Algore also have a huge Cover Shot, (so to speak, no Stains intended), on the Cover of the Rolling Stone back in (circa) 2000? Indeed, I seem to recall hearing that the Photo had to be Air-Brushed to reduce the size of his huge….,uh,…package. Well, people, wake up and realize that 60’s Icons truly Live! The Rev. Jesse still Rocks! He has graciously offered to correct that possible problem for the Bamster in anticipation of any future,…..uh,… shots. Richard, I too now have a Republican, well, at least Conservative, Soul, but I have also Played in a number of Rock Bands back in ‘the day’, (or so the pictures seem to document and friends tell me), and there isn’t a bigger Beatles Fan to be found. None of the Fabs were known for their Conservatism , although I have often wondered if John, at least, might not have woke up one day, as I did, had he lived long enough. I think that he truly hated Hypocrisy more than any ‘Establishment’. And, Baxtrice, my first memory of listening to “Rush”, the Band, is from the first time I was introduced to the evil weed in Long Beach, CA back in 1971. That memory also includes, driving my “Benefactor’s” Triumph at high speed on the Freeway (most peculiar, it had a, I was warned, 1:1 Steering Ratio), being on a water-bed in a Head Shop ‘neath a picture of two ducks “Flying United”, a Jam Session with 5 Dudes who were at least as good as Crosby, Stills and Nash and going home to my ‘Man Trip’ sponsoring (Gigolo) Uncle’s Machine Shop to find a ’62 T-Bird, along with the keys and a six pack of Coors on the Front Seat and a note telling me not to try to gain entrance until midnight. Yep, guess my wicked (and Old) Republican Soul has no grounding in Reality. However, I do think you would be far less bitter if you became a Rush the Talk Show Host Fan too, and, as for “The Rolling… Read more »


That would be the one. I see what you mean. I guess “Air-Brush” Technology has improved since Dubya’ was Elected. (What the Hell is that, a cucumber?)